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Once there was a myth, they say if you made a promise with someone you love under the tree then your love will come true

"Promise me that we will meet again under this tree on june 6th 10 years from now" a little girl with a brunette hold out her pinky

"I promise" the other little girl with blonde hair links her pinky

"Minjooooo??? Oi Minjoo!!" An orange haired girl with a fringe screams

"Sorry Yuri I was spacing out" Minjoo replied

"Spacing out again? What are you thinking about anyway you seem to do it frequently now" Hitomi asked while eating her bread

"I'm thinking of my first love" Minjoo says whilst smiling

"Geezus that again? Minjoo it's been 10 freaking years! She must've forgot about the whole promise thing and even you" Yuri spoke

"I know she will never forget it cause she's smart and smart people tend to have a strong memory" Minjoo nodded at her own remarks

"Aihh whatever! We can't argue with this delusional kid" Yuri scratch her head in frustration

"So tomorrow is the said "date" what are you going to do about it?" Nako asked with a hint of sarcasm

"Of course I'm going to the tree to meet her there" Minjoo spoke

Lee Chaeyeon.. she was Minjoo's first love, she's smart, talented, and beautiful on the plus side she has a gentle heart. She always help the people around her including Minjoo and that is the reason why she is minjoo's first love

She moved away because of her parents job, before she moved to japan she have made a promise to Minjoo under the oak tree that she will meet her again

The next day

"I can't wait to meet her!" Minjoo smiled while getting hit by the summer

She was walking towards the giant oak tree in the park, as she was walking towards it she saw a silhouette leaning against the tree

"Lee Chaeyeon?" Minjoo called as she was slowly approaching the tree

A girl with a short brunette hair emerges from the tree and looks at Minjoo, "Hmm?" The brunette respond

Wow, Minjoo never thought chaeyeon would be this tall also she cuts and dyed her hair, tbh Minjoo didn't really remembered what she looks like because she was 6 y.o back then

But she remembered that chaeyeon has a blonder hair and more puffier cheeks compared to the chaeyeon that she is looking at right now

"If you don't want to talk anymore then I'll be going" the brunette starts to walk away

Huh? She seems different, she doesn't have that warm vibe anymore more like cool and chic kind of vibe

"Wait!" Minjoo shouted and the brunette stop at her tracks and tilted her head to meet Minjoo's eyes

"What?" The brunette spoke with no expression

Minjoo is loss for words, she didn't expect her counter with her first love would be like this

The brunette then continued walking and soon out of sight

Several days later

"So that was pretty much the story" Minjoo let out a sigh

"Cheer up Minjoo! At least she showed up didn't she? I thought the girl would forgot about it" Hitomi pats minjoo's shoulder

"I guess I over expect it.." Minjoo let out another sigh

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