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(Unedited and is sucky. Sorry if it doesn't make sense. I honestly didn't try).

Sehun's POV:

It was a new day and I was in an unfamiliar place. I sat up from the fuzzy carpet I was sleeping on and rubbed my eyes.

Once I stopped, and I could see clearly, I saw Jaebum in the kitchen. I stood up in my oversized sweater and walked towards him.

"Morning." I said politely.

"Morning Sehun. Just wash up and we can eat. Then we can go to school." He replied calmly.

I continued walking upstairs to the restroom.

Time Skip.....

We were both together, walking to school. Earlier I saw that my phone had many calls and messages, but I just ignored them.

When we arrived, we were already late so we both had to go to the attendance office to check in. Then, we walked over to our first class which apparently we had together, math.

When we both walked into class, we got tons of stares. As we were walking to the empty seats that were in the middle of the class, I heard murmurs.

"Those two both left school yesterday."

"Sehun doesn't have his glasses for once. Wow."

"Are those two dating? BAMBAM WE GOT MORE TEA!"

I tried to stay calm, since I hated all the attention. Suddenly, I felt even more stares fall upon me.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun's....

I turned my head side to side and saw the two of them glaring at me. I just sighed and resumed with listening to class.


It was PE class and when I was walking towards the locker rooms, I was pulled to the side. Sadly, it was Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"Hey! Why didn't you come home yesterday?" Baekhyun said angrily.

I just huffed and replied coldly.

"I was with Jaebum."

"Sehun. Is something bothering you?" Chanyeol suddenly piped in asking me.

That question caught me off guard. I didn't want to confess to him. He likes Baekhyun not me. But why is he like this and why was he with Baekhyun? Did he worry about me?

I didn't want those kind of thoughts swarming my mind so I just pushed through the two of them and I went into the locker rooms to change...

Chanyeol's POV:

"Why was that whole conversation emotionally painful for me to listen too? Why is Sehun like this?"

"Hey Baekhyun, I'll go talk to him. Maybe there's something he'd like to say without you probably?" I suggested.

"No. I know why. Don't worry about it." He said as he walked away quickly.

Baekhyun's POV:

I knew it was because of him. I heard correctly before. Sehun is hurt because of Chanyeol's response to his question yesterday.

They can work this out right? I sure hope so...

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