Chapter 9

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Song: Burn by Ellie Goulding. There is no reasoning behind the song.

HELLO. I AM ALIVE. Okay, okay, sorry. In all seriousness, I feel really bad for disappearing off the face of the earth. 

Meet Thomas! Pretend he has blue eyes. I DON'T OWN THE PICTURE IT JUST MATCHES HIM.

I'm excited about this chapter; you?

I will explain and apologize profusely at the bottom.

Go on, go read!


When my consciousness returns, I can't open my eyes. The world is blackish-pink through my eyelids. I see shapes moving around, making me dizzy. I want to bury my face in a pillow or something and make the light go away. My head is so heavy, though...

I content myself with groaning. The shapes move toward me once they hear my noise and someone says my name.

"Lana? Hey, girl, you awake?" Yeah, from the way this person talks I can tell it's Kira.

I force my eyes open. From my place lying on a mat on the floor, I see several huge, comfy-looking chairs (I decide I want one) and light blue walls. A window tells me it's nighttime.

Wait. There's something wrong with that. Hold up. My scattered brain scrambles, trying to put something resembling understanding together. A killer headache forms at the mental exertion and I groan again.

"Well, she's obviously at least slightly conscious," A voice that sounds familiar says.

I can't seem to see either Kira or the other person/people in my vicinity. I'm feeling pretty panicked, questions rushing through my already throbbing head. Where am I? How did I get here? What happened? Who's here?

I make sure I can wiggle my fingers and all that jazz before slowly... ver-ree slowly sitting up. I've had a migraine before (oh what fun it is to remember that day of pain) so I know to let my body get accustomed to the blood rushing from my head. 

"Ughhh..." I rasp when the blood flows away too fast anyway and I get a head rush. I sway and almost fall back on whatever I was laying on, but someone's cold hands grab my arms and hold me up until my vision clears.

I free myself and whip around, forgetting my pain. Those didn't feel like Kira's hands- too large. My hands come up in defense, slapping blindly at air.

The slightly blurry person jumps away and holds up their arms in defense. "Sorry! Don't hurt me! I was trying to help!" The blurriness slowly fades and I look at this person warily. His voice sounds super familiar, but his features aren't.

This dude has smiling blue eyes and pale, strawberry-freckled skin. There is a dent in his right eyebrow where a hoop obviously once was- a simple circular stud has replaced it. His soft-looking shaggy bronze hair-

Wait. That's not right. I do a double take.

This boy has brown hair, tinted a metallic bronze. It makes him look almost... princely as the color catches the light.

I realize my mouth is open. I snap it closed and look around, remembering hearing Kira's voice. I see her standing on the other side of my... yoga mat?

"Kira! What happened?" I demand.

Her features are serious. "Lana... tell me. What's your dad's name?" The boy leans forward.

"Um..." That question is kind of out of the blue. I trust Kira, though, so I tell her, "Soko Charnam." It can't hurt for her to know his name, right? It's not like they know him. My head is pounding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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