Chapter 3

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The picture above is Lana's hair. I imagine the streaks a little more even, though - and her hair is a little less wavy. Keep in mind that Lana and her family are Asian.

Video is "Believer" by Imagine Dragons.

Read and enjoy!


"I'm here!" I rush through the "employees only" door into the back of the Book Cafe.

A blond-haired man wearing large square glasses with thick lenses whirls around. "Ah! Lana!"

"Sorry, Mr. A, my Poptart refused to leave the toaster," I tell him, crossing to the rack where my apron is and tying it on.

"Ah!" He peers at me. "The aliens have finally attacked, no?"

Mr. Alandro is a bit... eccentric. I think it comes from reading to many sci-fi novels.

I begin to speak, but a calm, quiet voice cuts me off. "No, Mr. A, the aliens haven't attacked. My toaster worked just fine this morning."

I whirl around and there's Thomas, one of my friends/coworkers. He has light brown hair, blue eyes, and a tiny silver hoop piercing on his right eyebrow.

Thomas is a bit of a mystery in the Cafe. He doesn't talk very often, and when he does, he only says a couple words. I've been very curious about him. He seems like a person with secrets. Being a person with secrets myself, he interests me. Besides, he always has this look in his eyes, like he knows more than he lets on. Like my eyes when I look in a mirror.

Anyway, he half-waves, I half-wave back, then I rush back through the doors to start work.

The Book Cafe is my second favorite place in the world. The first being the Art Museum. It has wall-to-wall bookcases stuffed with many different genres of books. Fantasy; sci-fi; nonfiction; you name it, we have it. I guarantee you.

There are many mismatched cracked leather couches that are worn but comfortable. Various coffee tables dot the room. On each more books are piled, with napkins on top to catch the crumbs of whatever muffin or croissant or whatever a customer is devouring.

Us workers move around the room in white blouses and black skirts for the girls and white button-ups and black trousers for the boys. Both genders wear our normal footwear. Mostly sneakers, but I wear clunky white combat boots, because... I don't know. I just like them, even though Miko makes fun of me. I guess they remind me of a blank canvas― I've been planning on painting them for a while.

After a long three hours, at around 1:00, I comb my hair out of my face and walk over to a couple who has just gotten settled on a bright green leather loveseat. It's quite hideous.

"Hi, I'm Lana, and I'll be your server today." The well-used words slip easily from my lips.

The two gaze at the menu pinned below the glass of the table. The woman looks up at me friendlily. "I'll have a small dark roast and an egg sandwich." The woman says politely. "Ooh, and I love your hair!"

I self consciously tuck a flyaway strand behind my ear. "Oh, you mean the pink?"

"Yes!" The woman beams at me. "What salon did you get it done at?"

"Oh, um, I actually don't remember," I tell her. "I got it done when I was quite little. The dye is permanent." I immediately scold myself silently. Too much information, Lana! Bad girl!

I bite my lip and direct my attention toward the man. "And for you, sir?"

The man is still engrossed with the menu as he orders. "I'd like a cappuccino, a chocolate croissant, and a large plate of pancakes with extra maple syrup and bananas."

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