Jack: Hey, Hiccup. Come sit with us! They're making a documentary about dragons. You could learn a thing or two.

Hiccup: Seriously? I should learn a thing or two about dragons? *walks to couch*

Jack: Yeah, dragons are real fascinating creatures. Heard of 'em? *laughs*

Hiccup: Ha ha.

TV: *shows two dragons licking each other's tongues* And here we have a rare footage of two dragons kissing.

Hiccup: *chokes on saliva* *collapses on floor* *floor underneath collapses& *falls to the previous floor* Seriously, universe?!

Elsa: What the--?! *drops chocolate* Hic, are you okay?

Chocolate: *falls out of existence*

Hiccup: *burst through the door* Yeah, I'm fine..

Elsa: Wait, how did you--??

Hiccup: *grabs remote* *changes TV channel*

TV: *shows a couple kissing*

Hiccup: NOPE. *changes channel*

Elsa: Hey, that was a good movie!

TV: *shows a teenage girl putting on lipstick*

Hiccup: NO. *changes TV channel*

TV: *shows Hans and Anna about to kiss* Hans: Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who--

Anna: *appears out of nowhere* *steals Rapunzel's broom* *beats TV with Rapunzel's broom*

Elsa: ANNA.

Rapunzel: Oh, yes, I totally wasn't using that broom..

Anna: *grabs remote from Hiccup* *grabs Hiccup's metal leg*

Rapunzel: *grabs broom from Anna* Hmph.

Hiccup: *gets dragged on floor* Ow! What the--?

Elsa: ANNA!

Anna: *beats remote 19000))0'&*; times with Hiccup's metal leg*

Jack: Aaaaand, there goes our twenty-seventh remote...

Billy II: *from under couch* *calls Hiccup* Psst..

Hiccup: *sees Billy II*

Billy II: *shows pocket watch ticking*

Hiccup: *glares at Billy II* *groans* fiNEEEEEE! THOR ALMIGHTY! *stands up*

Jack: You okay there? *chuckles* Elsa and Anna really are siste--

Hiccup: *grabs Jack by his collar* *smashes lips against Jack's* *closes eyes tightly*

Elsa: *eyes widen twenty-seven inches*

Rapunzel: *jaw drops twenty-seven feet down* *holds in laughter* *drops broom*

Broom: *falls on Merida's head* falls out of existence*

Merida: *wakes up* Ow! What the he--? *sees HiJack making-out* *stands up* *naruto runs to the window* *jumps out window* MISSED ME WITH THAT GAY SHIT.

Anna: Uhm, what's going on? Are they two together now..?

Jack: *eye rolls to the back of head* *literally dies*

Hiccup: *stilling kissing Jack* *sweating furiously*

Elsa: T-this is a dare, right? Please, tell me it's a dare.. and that it's compulsory that you have make-out in front of me..

Hiccup: *nods while kissing Jack*

Billy II: Aaaaand time!

Hiccup: *stops kissing* *lips still against Jack's* *eyes widen* !!!!!!!!

Billy II: Uhm, I said it's time.. the minute is over now, Hiccup.

Elsa: Oh, thank goodness, it is a dare.. I thought you were suddenly in love with Jack or something.. uhehe..

Hiccup: ... *lips still against Jack*

Elsa: Uhm..

Hiccup: !!!!! *screams* *lips still against Jack*

Rapunzel: Oh geez.. Hiccup's lips are stuck on Jack's! HAHAHA! *laughs*

Elsa: Oh my.. *snickers* So, I'm really the only person who can kiss him and not get a frostbite?

Rapunzel: Yeah, apparently..

Hiccup: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *flaps arms like a bird* *screams* *lips still against Jack* *eyes roll to the back of head* *dies*

HiJack: *falls on floor* *falls on top of each other* *floor underneath then collapses* *palls to the Earth's mantle*

Rapunzel: S-should we help them?! They're literally falling through the Earth's layers!

Elsa: Yeah, pretty soon they'll reach hell. Where they deserve to be at..

Rapunzel: W-what?! How could you say that, Els?!

Elsa: *grabs chocolate from existence* For they have sinned.

Rapunzel: ...

Merida: ...

Billy II: ...

Hell: ...

Elsa: *dabs*

Universe: *applauses*

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