Trophy Children

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"Well sh*t guys," Namjoon laughs as the seven of us stare at the closed gate of our school, 10 minutes late. "Looks like Kooki is gonna be on house arrest for a while." He flashes me a smile, his deep dimples poking out in sarcasm.

I chuckle and look back to the high wire gate. "don't sound so sure about that Joon, where's your optimism at?" I scowl at him in mockery as I take a step forward, wrapping my fingers into the wire diamonds. Shoving my thick combat boots into the small holes, I begin to climb.

Jin tsks from behind me. "This again? You know- this is not a good habit to start." Yet he still follows my lead and climbs up the gate next to me. It sways under our weight.

"Habits only start after a month of continued practice," Namjoon interjects as he and Taehyung steady the gate "...we still have a couple of days." he says nonchalantly as he watches the two of us go up.

Jimin chuckles, hitting Namjoon's shoulder and making the gate sway again.

"I just don't understand why we're trying to break into school." Yoongi questions "You all are really turning out to be a bunch of nerds"

"It's all for our dear maknae, remember?" Hoeseok lightly throws his arm over Yoongi's leather padded shoulder "If he misses another day, his dear father won't get that shiny new track trophy."

"Oh, what a pity." Yoongi sarcastically mutters, smiling with Hoseok.

I swing my legs over the top, jumping down to the other side with a loud plop. My hands dig into the sharp rocks but I just brush them off on my uniform shirt as if it was nothing.

"Whatever keeps the old man from yelling my ear off every night." I shrug it off. "Now come on, we don't have much time before someone notices we aren't there." I wave over Yoongi and Hoseok, telling them to hurry.

Jin jumps down as well, then holds onto the gate as the two begin to climb up. He nudges Taehyung, nodding upwards.

Taehyung's lips twitch in a small smile at jin before taking a deep breath, looking wide-eyed at the tall gate. This was always a process. He's afraid of heights.

"Go on," Jimin smiles at him, walking up behind. "I've got you."

Tae nods, reaching shaky and unsure hands into the flimsy wire. But still, he begins his slow climb with the reassurance of Jimin's presence.

Hoseok flips over the top and jumps down while Yoongi stays there at the top, waiting for the younger one. "Hurry up," Yoongi whines "Come on, we do this every morning."

Tae chuckles, trying to cover the straining in his neck.

"Hush, he's sensitive."Jimin jokes as he pats Tae's butt with a laugh, trying to push him up the gate. When he gets up high enough, Yoongi reaches his hand down to him and pulls him up.

After Yoongi jumps and Tae more or less falls, Jimin quickly climbs up, his experienced feet taking only a few milliseconds to reach the top and jump over. He lands close to me, springing back up and resting on my side in a half-open hug.

Namjoon inspects the gate as he walks over, a sudden scowl taking over his expression. "Did anyone check if it was locked?" he asks

I shake my head "Why wouldn't it be?"

Namjoon raises his brow at me then pushes open the gate with ease. "Idiots."

We sputter in fits of laughter at the situation, Hoseok's loud breaths dominating over the quiet morning. Yoongi pushes him. "Shut up, you're going to get us caught!" But it was too late, someone had already heard us.

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