Revelation 8 Fear

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Fear, one of the most primal human emotions. The response to it highly personalized.
We all feel it, some of us more than others. It keeps you safe but also holds you back in a lot of things... letting fears rule you will get you absolutely nowhere. It's a path you choose, you either choose to let it consume you or you look past it. For example: being scared of others opinions. Molding yourself to everyone's expectations. Which can be useful at times when you experience something like autism or other mental "disorders" you fear what you look like, fear about having the perfect body, wearing make up and so on. But no matter how hard you try, you could never satisfy everyone. Wether you're being yourself or being a chameleon, someone will always dislike you or something about you. Now if you're like that, the thought probably scares you. But what if you turned it into "well if I can't satisfy anyone I might as well be myself" because that's what it's really about. You don't need to satisfy others apart from proper hygiene hahaha, and of course at work or for job applications you have to dress professionally, but you can still be yourself. The only person you can satisfy in this progress is you. So which path do you choose? Do you let your fears rule you or are you going to accept the truth and move on? I know which path I'm choosing. Fear slows you down, it prohibits you from doing what you truly want. Of course you can't have real wings I mean I wish... but you can do this. And you might wonder "but what if I fail?" "But what if people don't like it?" "But what if I mess it up?" What if, what if, what if.... that's all your fear talking. What if you mess it up? Well imagine you do. You mess up that recipe you would've loved to try out, added too much water or something. You know what you do? You get your shit together. Learn from your mistake. And try again. Don't give up! You have to keep going. Otherwise your path will end very soon or you might not even walk it at all, that's not what you want is it? You choose the path, you keep trying to walk it, if it's not the right path for you, you try a different one. And keep going until you find your path. And no, there is no end to this path. Fear will stay, you will keep learning until the day you die. It just depends on what you do with it, how you act on it, how you respond, and if you keep moving forward.

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