chapter 6

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As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I flung my car door open and ran inside. I was too worried to even close my door or turn the car off so Riker did it for me.

I approached the counter and told them my name and they sent me and my friends to Kyle's room. I saw my mother sitting outside of his door with her her head in her hands. Then i looked up to the window. Five doctors and nurses were using a defibrillator (shock paddles) on him so i knew that he must has gone into cardic arrest.

"Mom what happened?!"

She slowly lifted her head, revealing her puffy red eyes and sniffled.

"Well i was letting Kyle play in the yard like he always does and i guess his ball rolled into the street. Then i remember hearing a loud screeching noise and people screaming. I ran out of the house and i saw my baby lying in the street and..." by then she was too distraught and i couldn't understand anything else she was saying.

" You mean you left him out by himself! You weren't even watching him!" i was screaming because i was so mad at her. "I can't believe this is your fault! And don't act so innocent! I can smell the liquor on you breath! You were getting drunk while your little boy was suffering!"

Everyone was staring at us. I lowered my voice and said, "how could you?"

She stared at the ground and said nothing. Then a doctor motioned for me to come to him. I left my mother looking towards the ground, weeping while Rydel was comforting her.

"Hello my name is Doctor DeRusso. Im guessing that you are Kyle's older sister?"

"Yeah I am. How is he?"

The doctor paused for a moment. His smile faded and he asked me to sit down so i did.

"I'm so sorry. We did everything we could. The car's front bumper hit his side, crushing his ribs, causing them to puncture his lungs and heart. We think that he almost died instantley."

I couldn't believe it. No, i refused to believe it. I doubled over because i thought that i was going to be sick. Then i felt Riker's strong arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and laid, sobbing in his arms. I was practically shaking and my head hurt so much that i thought it was going to expload. Riker stroaked my long hair saying, "shhh shhh its alright. I'm hear."

About 30 minutes later i had calmed down and asked Dr.DeRusso if i could see Kyle. He hesitated before finally saying yes.

When i walked through his door, it was cold. I could feel the death reaping around the room. I cautiously walked up to his bed and pulled the sheet down that was covering his face. I put my hands over my mouth in shock.

His face was bloody and covered with scratches and bruises. I pulled the sheet down further and saw that he was wearing his favorite t-shirt that i got him from American Eagle for his birthday. I choked the tears back that were welling up in my eyes and sat in the chair at the side of his bed. I ran my hands through his dark, blood stained hair. Even though he looked like a battered rag doll, he seemed peaceful. After about another 15 minutes, i kissed his forehead and placed the sheet back over his face.

When i left his room, i saw Mark, Stormie, Ross and Ryland standing with the rest of the Lynches. They saw me and fell silent. I walked over to them and Ross pulled me into a hug. "I am so sorry Emmy." Then every single one of them took their turns giving me a hug. Even though i was terribley upset, i felt the teeniest bit of relief fall over me. I knew they had always been there for me but the fact that they had ALL showed up to comfort me made me feel like i still had some kind of family. Speaking of family, i noticed that my mother had left without even seeing Kyle. I grew a little angry and realized that she was never going to be the good mother that any teenager deserves. I knew that some serious changes had to happen. I made up my mind and decided that I had to move out......for good.

I know it sounded a little harsh but I didn't have the feeling like i was going to forgive her anytime soon and i sure didn't want to as much as look at her for at least a few days. Mark and Stormie were very understanding and agreed to let me stay there until i could straighten things out with my mother.

After arriving back at the house, Rydel and I went to her room while the boys crowded around the fridge. I had to borrow a pair of her pajamas because all my clothes were still at my house. As I pulled her I <3 #R5family tanktop on, she asked me how i was was doing.

"I'm ok for now i guess. I'll just have to see about getting my stuff though."

"I was talking about Kyle." her voice was soft.

Honestley, i didn't know how I felt about the whole situation. It wasn't like I hadn't been through the whole process before but it was different for me this time. With my dad, i was used to not seeing him that often because he was in the military but i saw my little brother everyday. I was always the one to drive him to school and his friends houses and even though we fought a lot, we had our moments.

"I'm doing just fine. I still feel upset but I know that he is in a better place now."

"Wow thats...uh..... mature of you. Im glad you're doing better." she flashed a sweet smile and gave me a hug. Suddenly, i heared the door creak open. Light brown hair peeked through the frame. It was Rocky.

"Hey Em, Riker wants to know if you'll come over to our room. He wants to talk with you."

"Uh ya sure." I hopped up and made my way to Riker and Rocky's room. When I got there, I could see that Riker was lying on his bed in only his boxers and a graphic tee from hollister. I walked across the room and laid down beside him. 

"What's up?" I said. 

"Well I was just wondering what your planning on doing about your whole living arrangements." 

"I guess I was just going to stay here for a few days, get my stuff from my house, and stay at another friends house until I can find an apartment." 

"Apartment? I thought you were living in dorms this year for college." 

"I was but I cant move in until August and I got an email from the dean saying that all students who hadn't applied for a dorm already, couldn't get one because they were all full."

We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he asked me if I wanted to look at apartments with him. I stared at him with my jaw hung open. 

"Do you seriously want to?" 

"Ya of course babe. I love you and I want to support you. Also I need to move out anyway. I'm 20 years old and still living at home so I think that its time for a change."

I beamed with excitement. I was so happy that I couldn'tcontain myself. I then, rolled over on top of Riker and said, "I love you so much" before passionatley kissing him.


Well I hope you guys liked this chapter!  

Please vote and comment and tell me how what you think of the story so far:)

Love you guys! 

Tabi xoxoxo

Here Comes Forever (A Riker Lynch fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang