chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with the sounds of chirping birds and clothes being tumbled in the washing machine. I stretched and look around the bright pink room. There was no sign of Rydel. Her purse and car keys were missing too. Maybe she just went out to get milk or something. I stretched one more time and got out of bed. I shrugged into the kitchen expecting to see Stormie or Mark making breakfast but it was empty. After looking through the living room and basement, I was sure that I was at the Lynch's house by myself. Did they really just leave me here alone? There was no note or text left to explain things. I decided not to worry about it and get my bag and go home. Just as I turned the corner to walk down to Rydel's room, I smacked into a strong figure and was knocked down. I look up in surprise to find Riker standing above me with apologetic eyes. "I am so sorry!" He reached out a hand to help me up. "No its totally fine. I'm just a clutz." I tried to just laugh it off like it was nothin but then I felt a sticky, wet substance on my shirt. I looked down to see orange juice all or my white tee. I guess when I ran into him, I ran into the half full glass of orange juice the was in his hand as well. "Oh here, let me get you something dry to change into." He jogged to his room. When he came back, his favorite Mcfly t-shirt was in his hand. I plucked it out of his hand and went to the bathroom to clean up. I walked back out and he took my old juice covered tee and threw it in the washer.

After we ate breakfast we both plopped on the couch to watch some Saturday morning cartoons. I still loved to watch those even though I was 18. I could obviously tell that he liked them too by the way he would laugh at silly jokes being said. I watched him for a moment just smiling at his simplicity. He was adorable! I could help but look at him in awe until he glanced back a me. I looked away as fast as possible but I knew he saw me. "What?" He grinned at me. "Oh I thought I saw a spider on your face." That was the worst possible excuse! Oh my God I'm such a dumbass! Somehow he seemed to buy it so I didn't argue. We were still on the couch watching Tv when I asked him where everybody was. "Oh well Ross and my parents went to meet up with Ross's agent about a movie offer, Rydel had to run out and get our cousin a birthday card, and Rocky and Ryland went to go play football on the beach with some friends."

"And what about you?" " Well someone had to stay back." I shrugged and said, " Sorry I had to keep you here." He looked confused and said "What do you mean your sorry? I was the one that wanted to stay back with you. Uh I mean I just offered." He was blushing. I smiled, placed my hand on his and said "thank you."

Oh shit did I just make a move on him? I thought about my stupid flirting for a minute before he took my hand in his and scooted closer to me. My face felt hot when he moved his hand from mine to around my shoulder. Then, right as I was about to excuse myself to the bathroom, he turned to me and brushed the side of his hand down my left cheek. He tucked my hair behind my ear and gentley kissed my neck. I moaned softly and he kept going. He made his way up to my cheek and then finally, our lips met for the first time. It was thrilling. I had never kissed someone more passionately in my life. We continued until my phone started buzzing. We both jumped a little. I mouthed "I'm sorry" before taking the call.

"Hello?" "Hey Em its Rydel. I was just checking in to make sure that you were ok. I'm sorry that everyone was gone when you woke up I....." I interrupted her and told her that it was fine. "Ok good! Riker's making you feel at home right?" I grinned at him and said, "Yup I feel just at home." He smiled back and winked at me. "Alright ill be home in 20 minutes. See ya girl!" "Bye Ry."

I walked back to the living room and sat close to Riker. He wrapped his arm around my waist and said," Yay I have you all to myself again." Right before he tried to kiss me I stopped him. "Wait I'm confused. I thought you only liked me as a friend." "Well I did but then i realized how cool and down to earth you are. I realized that I want to be with you." I blushed and said, "How long have you felt like that?" "About 2 years."

I was in utter disbelief. " Really? Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I didn't want to tell you and you not like me back. The only reason I told you today was because Rydel said that you were interested in me."

That made me a little angry. I made it clear to her not to tell anyone but she still did it anyway. Well at least I know that he likes me too and that's all that matters.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Well I'm glad she told you because we found each other and that's the important thing." He pulled me close to him and I could feel the warmth of his skin. I never wanted to let him go.


I'm sorry I waited so long to update but I had major computer problems.

I hope to get up the next chapter in the next few days :)

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it :)

~Tabi <3 xoxoxo

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