chapter 2

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I quickly drove home so that I could pack my bag for the night. When I walked through the door I saw my mom sitting down at the kitchen table attempting to repair the hole in my little brother's favorite pair of pants. "Hey Mom"

"Oh hello darling how was your lunch?"

"It was fine. I got to see Rydel again."


"You know Rydel Lynch. I've been to her house at least a couple dozen times? Her mom was so kind to invite you to come over for coffee on several occasions and you turned her down every single time?" I tried to find something to trigger the little light to go off in her head.

"Oh yes I remember her, she's very uh...interesting." My mom had never been fond of anyone really. She needs to get out more.

"Well anyway she asked me if I wanted to spend the night and I was just making sure that it was ok with you."

"Yes yes do whatever you want. Now honey can you please excuse me while I try to fix Kyle's pants. He was climbing up the neighbor's tree again and ripped a big hole in the back."

"Ok I guess I'll get my things together. See you later Mom." She simply replied with "hmmm ok". My mom and I have never really been close so she doesn't care what I do as long as I don't get my ass thrown in jail.

After I walked out of the kitchen, I ran up the stairs to my room. To my surprise the door was open. I walked in and found my little twerp of a brother was bouncing up and down on MY bed with one of MY bras wrapped around his head while singing along to some Justin Bieber song that was playing on MY radio. Furious, I stormed up to him, yanked the bra off his head, and told him to get out. He quickly darted out of my room as fast as he could. Obviously he remembered what happened last time he was in my room and had the scar under his left cheek to prove it. Still steamed, I hurried up to grab my spiderman backpack and shove in some pajamas, a change of clothes for tomorrow morning, my toothbrush, and my favorite pair of light blue converse.

When I got into my car, I jumped when I felt a wild buzzing in my pocket. It was a text from Rocky.

Hey Em. Are you going to be here soon cuz we can't wait to see you! I hope that you didn't forget that you owe me at least one game of COD :) ~Rocky

I smiled and texted back: Yea I'll be there in a few. And don't worry, I'll try not to beat you too bad ;)

I then started the car and drove off.

When I got to the Lynches, there was a great commotion going on in the house. I turned the car off and got out with my bag slung over my shoulder. I walked up the steps and knocked a couple of times. The door immediately flung open. "Hey Emma." The voice was smooth. "Hi Riker how are you?" I tried my best to act cool even when he scooped me up into a big hug and said "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too" I laughed while hugging him back.

He then quickly took hold of my hand and led me into the living room where the rest of the Lynches were hanging out. "Emma!" they all said in unison.

I instantly made myself at home. I spent the first hour and a half talking with Rydel and Mrs. Lynch. We mostly talked about their trip and their family band (R5) but then she (Stormie) started asking how my volleyball career was going. I told her of my recent success with a California state beach volleyball championship she seemed very impressed. "O that sounds like it was wonderful" Mrs. Lynch said after I went into detail about my partner's and my huge achievement.

Just then I heard Rocky calling for me. I got up and walked in Rocky and Riker's room where they were playing video games with Ross. "Do you want to play?" Ross said not even looking up from his controller. He was much too focused on shooting the bad guys. "Yeah why not" I replied sitting down beside Riker. He smiled and handed me his controller. "Here you can use mine." I flashed a sweet smile back and gingerly removed it from his hand, kindly answering with a "thank you."

Before I knew it, it was 12:45 and we all decided that it was time to go to bed. I said goodnight to everyone and then headed over to Rydel's room. Our course we talked for a bit before actually going to sleep. When we did, I climbed into the bed and thought about the day and how great my friends are. Then I started to think about Riker fell asleep with a big goofy grin on my face.


Thank you for reading this! Sorry, I decided to put off writing it until the end of the day so that's why I'm updating this so late. Anyway, please vote and comment to tell me what you think so far :)


~ Tabi xoxo

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