26 [last chapter]

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5 years later...

I waited patiently outside the prison gates but my heart is beating fast. I was excited because Taeyong is finally getting out of prison. The prison gates gives me a lot of memories, where I hugged my brother after five years. I did visit Taeyong most of the time but whenever I see him, I just want to embrace him.

The prison gates are finally opening and besides that, a figure came out and I already burst into tears. I ran towards him without any single hesitation and I could feel his arms wrapped around my body.

"I missed you so much." I cried out and tightened the hug.

"I miss you too, Seulgi Bear." My eyes are already brawling out when he called me 'Seulgi Bear'.

We broke off the hug and I examined his facial features. The same glowing clear skin, mesmerising eyes and his perfect red hair.

"How are you? Did you eat well? Did anybody tried to pick a fight with you?" He chuckled at me for bombarding him with my loaded questions.

"I'm fine, don't worry." He messed my hair and I smiled at him.

"Follow me, I need to bring you somewhere." I said, pulling him to the nearest bus stop.

"Where?" He asked.

"Somewhere." I winked at him. We took a bus ride to his neighborhood and it seems like he already know what it is.

"There's a surprise at my house, am I right?" He guessed it.

"It's no fun if you guessed it.." I pouted at him but we burst out laughing together. We entered his house and everyone immediately welcome him back.

"This is why I love you." He pecked my cheeks and I blushed. It wasn't a really huge party. I just invited the boys, my friends and Minsun along since that's the only few people I know who is close to Taeyong.

"Huh, it seems like both of you are a thing now." Taeyong approached to Johnny and Irene who are holding hands.

Irene then showed her ring, "I'm engaged." She giggled happily and Taeyong looked at Johnny.

"Yep, I popped the question. So when are you going to do it?" Johnny winked at Taeyong and he smirked. I looked at the both of them in confusion but I brushed it off.

It was getting late in the night and everyone seemed to be tired. Soon, Taeyong grabbed both of my hands and faced me. Everyone started to gather around us and it just reminded me of the day he asked me to be his girlfriend

"What is this about?" I asked, laughing awkwardly but everyone just smiled at me which kinda creeped me out a little.

Taeyong started to kneel down with one knee and took out a small box. He opened it and revealed a beautiful diamond ring right in front of my face.

"Seulgi, will you marry me?" He popped the question. HE FUCKING POPPED THE DAMN QUESTION!!!!

"YES!" I exclaimed and he put the ring in my ring finger. He then carried me in bridal style and carried me to a room which I assumed it's his.

He put me down on his bed and hovered on top of me.

"How did you plan all of this?" I asked.

"A week ago. I asked Johnny to buy the ring for me and I already knew the party long ago."

"You keep surprising me. And I thought I was able to pull of this surprise party."

"You did but finally, I can call you mine forever." He kissed me passionately.

The kissed started to become more steamy and he slowly went down to my neck, pecking on it. From there, he continued all the way and that's how our night ended.


A year later...

"Look at our baby girl." Taeyong said as he approached me with our baby that I just gave birth. I was in the hospital, feeling dead tired after giving birth but once I carried my precious angel in my arms, I cried because she looks so beautiful.

We got married after two months once he proposed to me and I was already pregnant with his baby. I felt a little scared at that time because it was so new to me but Taeyong calmed me down every once in a while.

"Haru. Lee Haru." I said her name and she started making cute baby noises. It was a name that Taeyong and I came up with and it fits her perfectly.

The nurse took the Haru to do check-ups and all and Taeyong stayed with me, holding my hands. "You can rest now, Seulgi Bear. You did good on delivering our baby." He smiled and pecked my forehead. "I'm going to stay her until you've fallen asleep, okay?" I nodded my head slowly and drifted off to slumber.

The next morning arrived because I could hear chatters around me. I slowly opened my eyes to see Irene, Wendy, Yeri and Joy around me.

"Oh my God, did we wake you up?" Joy asked after noticing that I woke up.

"No, it's okay." I said and tried to sit up but I almost fell back down.

"Lie down! You're still weak." Irene exclaimed.

The door behind them opened and it revealed Taeyong who was holding a black plastic bag in his hands.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" He asked as he rushed over to my side.

"I feel much better but still a little weak." I said and he nodded.

"I got you some porridge so it can give you a little bit of energy." He opened the black plastic bag and took out the container that was filled with white porridge.

"You have such a nice husband." Yeri complimented.

"Yeah, I know right." Taeyong replied cheekily and I rolled my eyeballs.

"Where's Haru?" I asked.

"She's in another room, sleeping soundly." Wendy replied and I smiled with reassurance.

We talked for the whole day, laughing and talking about our future.

I can't wait to finally discharge and bring my daughter back home and start a new family together.

And that's a whole new beginning of another story...




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