Part 9: Truths

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Ana •POV•

Lina has just come out of surgery. She got 13 stitches above her forehead. Lina is doing great in my opinion, but probably won't be in a celebratory mood for a while.

"Hey big guy." She says as Jc enters the room.

"Lina." He says, along with a long exhale. His eyes are bloodshot and his voice is crackling as he talks. "I was so scared when Kian told me. Are you okay Lina?" He asks. I put my head down at the chime of Kian's name. I watch as the couple talks. Why can't Kian and I get along like this? Perfectly imperfect I guess.

I leave the room to cry. I know I will. I storm down the hall, trying to find something. Instead i find someone.

"Ana! Hey!" She says. I turn around and see Piper.

"What Piper?!" I shout. She looks shocked at me.

"I don't know why you're so upset." She says sarcastically. Her brown curls bounce as she walks toward me.

"Would you please deliver a message to room 106 for me?" I ask.

"Anything for a friend." She says, smirking.

"Just say that I need to get some air." I tell her. I'm hoping they are kissing when she gets there.

"Absolutely. Go ahead." She says, as she flips her hair. She turns and walks down the hall. I run to the stairs and skip down to the lobby. The sliding glass doors open and I leave the traumatizing white building. The night is dark and the air seems to be drier than usual. I'm at the top of an emotional roller coaster, and the air is so much thinner up here. I can't really breathe, so I lay down. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I hear a car horn and a bright light shines through my eyelids.

"Ma'am?" asks a voice. I don't move and I don't think I can, really. Their arms support me and I moan. They drag me inside and I can't move. The hospital lights kill me everytime I see them.

"I need a stretcher and the emergency room!" shouts the voice. People whisper, scatter around me.

Several unknown hands lift me onto a stretcher. They wheel me around for what feels like an eternity. I still haven't opened my eyes, for fear of what is surrounding me. There is screaming in the hall outside, fighting even.

"I need to see her now!" shouts Kian. It has to be.

"Sir you aren't allowed to see her yet. She just needs space in this moment in her recovery." says another male voice.

"I'm going in." Kian says flatly. He continues to argue with the mystery male outside. I open my eyes and the light floods in. My eyes are flaring and my brain is the center of the blaze.

Once the light adjusts, I press the call button. I want to see Kian when the nurse opens the door. She rushes in.

"Ms. Kinney, we'd like to ask you to excuse your boyfriend." She says immediately.

"I need to walk a little." I say, dodging her request. I start to sit up and she pushes me back down.

"Miss, it would be better if you got your rest." She replies.

"I'm going for a walk. Please get off of me." I say sternly, and sit up. I have one of those all too revealing gowns on, so I put on some leggings and Kian's sweatshirt. Kian's. I let him get so close to me, and I don't know why. I've been broken so many times before. I just don't put up a fight. I walk out of the room, and Kian is sitting against the wall. I sit down next to him. His eyes are closed, and I smile. He sleeps, and I turn my head to kiss his shoulder.

"I love you." I say, and stand back up. I walk to the lobby and find a vending machine. Perfect. I buy a Slim Jim (life) with some spare change in my pockets. When I return, Kian isn't there. I walk into my room, and find him sitting in the windowsill.

"Kian?" I ask. He is staring out into the darkness of the night.

"I love you too Ana." He says unexpectedly. I smile and walk toward him. He turns to face me and I see his cheeks are glimmering with tears.

"Kian. I will not let you go without a fight. Even if I die trying." I say, holding his hand.

"That's a commitment you don't want to make." He says. I give him a disdainful look.

"What makes you think that?" I ask. He looks at his hands.

"I have had my heart broken before by people who promised me their love as an oath, stronger than steel; and when it came down to it, they were never honest in the first place." He explains. I wrap my arm around him.

"I would never. We are steel. Our relationship is built of titanium." I say weakly. He turns his face to bury it in my hair. I sit beside him, in the window seat, running my hand around on his back.

"I love you Ana." He says, before falling asleep. I smile as he drifts away.

"I love you too Kian." I say, and he is unconscious.

◈authors note◈

Sorry I haven't updated in forever!! I am having writers block if you can't tell. Comment ideas plzzz <3


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