Part 4: Hooked

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Lina •POV•

Jc and I were together all night last night. We watched a movie and popped popcorn. It was about time he came over, I tweeted him all morning. I don't mean to be obsessed, but we all know I'm not dealing with just any guy. I'm dealing with a hot guy, named Jc.

I wake up with him next to me on the couch. He is leaning on my shoulder, and I can't help but giggle. My "morning" laugh cracks me up until I'm full out dying of laughter on the couch. Jc turns and sees me laughing. I get the weirdest look, and a tired smile. I'm having such a horrible laugh attack, I can't stop. Jc knows how to stop me in the best way he could have.

He leans in and kisses me, and I immediately stop laughing. I wanted another kiss since the night we went out. All it took was a laugh attack. I'll have more of those later.

"I have wanted to do that for a while." He says. I guess he wanted an excuse too.

"Oh good, me too." I say, relieved.

"Wanna go out for breakfast?" He asks me an I nod. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, which is funny because Ana hates breakfast. She barely ever eats breakfast; she has a strong dislike for breakfast foods.

"Where to?" I ask. He doesn't say anything.

"Jc?" I ask again.

"Oh, I was thinking. I have a place. Go get ready. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes, k?" He says really fast.

"Okay." I say, eyebrows pushed together. I hug him and he walks out the door.

I walk up to my room, and start getting ready. I'm not completely unpacked, and still need some furniture moved in. My clothes are still in suitcases. I pick out some pink shorts and a black top. My hair needs a change. I run to Ana's room and ask her for her dye. She dyed her hair blonde, and I want to do something different too.

She knows how to do ombré styles, so I ask her to help me.

"Lina there's not enough time to do that." She says to me, scoldingly. I shake her shoulders and plead.

"Please Ana. Please please please!" I beg. She promises to take me to a salon after I go to breakfast.

"I will, I promise. Just fix it for now. Jc will be here any minute." She tells me. I nod and run to my room. I grab my shoes and purse and go out the door with Jc.

Connor •POV•

I just uploaded my new video. "A New Chapter." So far there isn't too much hate, more support. I hate to leave these guys, they're my life. I'm not really leaving, I'm just not posting on oursecondlife anymore. I have too much going on in my life to continue this. It's not depression, it's just not the life I'm looking for.

My phone rings and I look over the caller ID. It's Ana.

"Connor! Hey." she says.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask. I'm not sure why she would call me.

"I, uh, saw your video. Are you okay?" She asks me. I feel myself beginning to fall apart.

"Can you come over?" I ask before I cry into the phone.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be over in a minute." She says

Pand I'm so thankful. Ana barely knows me, but she is there.

"Thanks." I say and hang up. Thanks Ana. Thanks so much.

I hear a knock at the door in 4 minutes. I run down the stairs and open the door. It's two teenage girls.

"Hello, our dad has a lawn care business and we were wondering if you'd be interested." The taller one says.

"Um, no thank you." I say. The shorter one speaks now.

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