Part 7: News

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Jc •POV•

When Lina calls me I don't know what to do. I don't trust my voice, or I'll blow it. I am out with another girl. She is just my friend from high school visiting me. She is my ex. And traveled all of the way from Texas to see me, so it's not like I have a choice, is it?

"Jc? I was wondering if we could hang out today?" She asks me innocently. I let my head hang, full of guilt.

"I uh, I'm busy today?" I say almost questioning the words.

"Oh, maybe later?" She asks and I want to say yes so horribly.

"Yeah maybe. What are you up to?" I say, attempting to change the subject.

"I'm at the mall right now with Ana." She says and my stomach drops. I'm at the mall with Piper, my ex right now.

"Oh. Weird. I gotta go, bye." I say and hang up. If she sees me with Piper she will kill me. Piper states at me.

"Who was that?" She asks with a mean look in her eyes.

"My girlfriend." I reply. Her face softens, but she is fake.

"What does she look like?" She asks, almost innocently.

"Brown hair, blonde tips. She is short and has tan skin." I reply, describing the details.

"Oh how weird." She says, and pulls my collar forward. She kissed me, and I'm lost in her lips. I haven't kissed her in forever and I miss her. What? No! No I don't!

"Piper, stop." I say, into her mouth. She doesn't stop, she just presses harder into the kiss. Her tongue laps over my bottom lip and she is all over me.

"Jc?" I hear a soft voice behind me ask. I turn and see Lina standing nervously. Her eyes look terrified, she is stricken.

"Lina. This isn't what it looks like." I say, defending myself.

"We were just kissing. Like we used to honey bear." Piper says over my shoulder. She strokes my hand.

"Piper! Stop!" I shout. She jumps back a bit, startled. When I look back, I see Lina running away with Ana on her trail. I stand to run after her, but Piper grabs my hand.

"Listen. I will fix it, and make an excuse. For a price." She says. I raise my eyebrow. "I'll tell her it was me, and you weren't kissing back. I will take all of the blame, for another kiss." She says confidently.

"Another? Isn't that what screwed this all up anyway?" I say, disgusted.

"Fine." She says and flips her hair. She turns away to walk off, but I stop her.

"Whatever." I say and lean in to kiss her. She puts a finger on my lips.

"Stop. Not here, I mean a good kiss. A real kiss." She says. I gasp.

"You make things right with Lina, now." I say sternly.

"I'll meet you at my hotel at 5:00 sharp." She says and turns away. I watch as she sways her hips, and leaves me behind.

Piper •POV•

I've always wanted Jc back. I know he wants me too. The kiss we had today proved it, and the one we are going to share tonight will prove it to him even more. I pretty much screwed his relationship with Lina. No matter what I say, any rational girl wouldn't forgive and forget.

It's 4:30, I called Lina and told her everything. she wasn't interested, as I said. Jc gave me her number, which I can further use to abuse their relationship. Jc will be here at 5:00 on the dot. I choose to make it harder for him to resist me. I put on some Capri yoga pants and a green shirt that shows more than enough cleavage. I apply heavy make up and straighten my brown hair. I put on black wedges, so I'll be as tall as him. By then, I hear knock on the door.

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