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Justin's POV
Setting my brief case on top of my desk, I see the thirty something kids waiting for me to settle my things. I sit down at the front desk and ask, "What chapter did we leave on?" The kids look at each other and I rub the bridge of my nose. "Are you all suddenly mute? I said, what cha-" "Chapter 8 Mr. Bieber," one of the students says and I nod my head looking at her. "Thank you..." "Arely," she replies and I nod my head. "Weird ass name," I mumble and I hear two guys in the back giggling at my comment. I stand up as I hold the book and I look at the huge white board behind me.

"Chapter 8 is about gravity. We all know what gravity is. Discovered by Isaac Newton, he found the laws of gravity. A few equations consist of," I say as I then proceed to write some of the equations down. "Mr. Bieber," I hear a kid in the back say. "Just a second," I say as I wrote down the formulas. "We're not doing joke Monday today?" The kid asks and I deeply exhale as I paused to rub my temple. "Did I not just say wait?" I say turning around to face the kid all the way in the back.

"That's how we always begin class though. Before anything, so we can begin our day good," he says and the other kids nod their head. "You took AP Physics and you're worried about some stupid jokes? Well I got a joke for you. Knock-knock," I say and he replies, "Who's there." "Your ass out the door," I say pointing to the open door and he clicks his tongue.

"Come on Mr. Bieber, you don't meant that," he says and I yell, "I SAID GET OUT!" making the whole class tense up at my sudden aggravation. The kid immediately stands up and gets his backpack leaving the class. "Moving along," I say as the kid left the room. "Turn to page 439, and solve the problems on the page using these equations. Due at the end of class," I say closing the book and I sit back down. "But you haven't taught us anything on the chapter, how are we supposed to finish it," a girl asks and I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Read the book," I say like it was the most obvious thing. "What time this class ends?" I ask and I then remember it ended at 8:53 am. "In fifty minutes," a kid says and I reply, "got it." The room was then silent.

I hear a kid get out their seat and they walk to the door. "Where are you going? Did I not say an assignment was due at the end of the class," I say and the kid was dumbfounded at my question. "To the restroom," he says and I tell him, "Did I give you permission?" "You always tell us to just go," he says and I shake my head. "Sit down, and do your work, I don't want to hear another word come out of your mouth for the next fifty minutes," I demand of him and he does so. One of the young girls stands up and goes to my desk. "Yes?" I ask turning in my seat. "I don't fully understand what this question is asking," she says and I snatch the paper and book out of her hands.

"Which one?" "Number two," she replies. "Use the formula, plug in the given into the equation, and find your answer," I tell her. "Did you not read the book?" I ask and she shakes her head. I hand her back the book, "Come back to me when you've gained some knowledge on the chapter," I say. "But isn't it your job to teach me?" She says and I laugh.

"Excuse me? I don't get paid to hear this kind of nonsense from a kid. Read, the book," I say and she rolls her eyes. "Oh you want to roll your eyes? Alright, just beautiful. You got yourself a referral," I say opening a drawer under my desk and she says that it wasn't fair. "I don't care," I say as I take a single referral sheet out.

I stop when I read: "students name _______" my eyes stare at the paper. I wanted to ask the kid but I felt ashamed I couldn't even remember it. "You know what, never mind," I say crumpling up the paper and she sighs in relief. "Oh really? Oh thank you Mr. Bieber," she says and I nod my head not even looking back at her.

I'm basically useless if I can't even remember these kids names. What else can't I remember? What else am I now useless at?


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