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Justin's POV
"So we binge watched the entire season all of winter break, during college," Hailey tells me as she was telling me some of her interests. Apparently her and I had loved watching The Office, seems like a funny show. I've gotten a bit annoyed from having her around these past few days. I barely met her and now she's going to have to become an every day part of my life. She's friendly and all, but it's just the same conversation. Things about me that I don't remember. And I become surprised every time she tells me about something we did together. Because I don't remember a damn thing.

"So there was this one epis-" she says but I interrupt her. "Is there a "no talking" button for you? You just talk and talk, does it not get you tired?" I say rubbing my temple and her shoulders drop. "Oh. I'm sorry," she quietly says and I go back to the movie I was watching. "You used to love when I'd ramble," she says and I just ignore her as my eyes were on the TV.

She then stands up from the medical bed and walks out the room. Hearing her stop at the hallway, I hear her mumbling to the doctor. "I just want to know why he's acting... off. He's not the same person, at all. And he doesn't even remember me," she whispers to him and he walks into the room.

"Good morning Justin. How are your feeling today?" He asks me and I respond, "Well apparently it seems I'm acting like an asshole today. My head hurts from how much she talks." She looks at me with watery eyes. "Why are you acting like that towards me?" She asks me and I respond, "Because I barely know you and you won't stop talking! You're telling me all these stories but I don't know whether to believe them or not!" But instantly regret it when I get a major headache.

"I'd like to run an MRI scan on your brain as soon as possible to see why you're acting differently," he says and I move the blanket from my body. "Thank you, because I'm telling you, this woman is crazy," I say standing up and she rolls her eyes. As we walk to the room, the doctor says to not walk too fast as it could cause immense pain in my head.

Approaching the huge machine, he tells me to lay down and I say, "I know. Don't move. I'll have to hold in my breath when I hear the beep, release when you tell me to." He nods his head and I lay down on the bed. I see Hailey waiting outside the room which made me annoyed. Why did I decide to live with her?

After the scans were taken, the doctor told Hailey and I to wait in a separate room. I sat across from her and she sat alone with an empty seat next to her.

She looks at me and asks me, "What else don't you remember?" I sigh and say, "That's the most stupid question you could ask Hailey. How am I supposed to know what I don't remember, if it's not even in my own memory?" I raise my voice at her and she flinches at my voice.

"How fucking stupid could you be?!" I ask her and she just looks at me with fear in her eyes. "I'm really sorry," she says and I scoff. "I'm sorry," I mock her voice and I shake my head at her squinting my eyes.

"You're stupid," I say looking right into her eyes and she remarks, "And you're an asshole," making me laugh. "That's it? I wish before the car accident, I had never met you," I say and she immediately begins crying. I'd be lying if I said it didn't give my heart a tug to see her crying. She sat there wiping her own tears away.

"Hey, it's alright I'm here," I say as I crouch down in front of her and I gently pull her hand. "Just leave me alone," she says and I felt bad. "I'm here," I say as I sit next to her and I pull her to me. "No you're not," she says shaking her head as she looked into my eyes. "You, the real you isn't here," she tells me and I roll my eyes.

"How the hell am I supposed to fix that?" I say furrowing my eyebrows at her and she stands up from her seat and leaves the small room. She flinches when the doctor was at the doorway. "Sorry about that. Everything okay?" He asks as he saw Hailey's watery eyes.

"I'm just worried that's all," she says sniffling and he nods his head. "I got the MRI scans, and there are a few things I need to inform you and Justin about," he tells her and I oddly became scared. "Okay," she says nodding her head.

He takes out black and white pictures from his manila folder and he displays them on the a lighted wall. "The temporal lobes seems to be very damaged, which is what has caused Justin's sudden memory loss. His sudden change of personality is also because of the damaging to his frontal lobe. He may act aggressive and impatient now due to how bruised his frontal lobe is, not to mention the tear on his forehead," he tells Hailey. "You're suffering from some form of amnesia Justin. I thought it was just a concussion, but Hailey called the hospital, she's the reason you're here, alive," he tells me and I sigh. "So you're saying I really did at some point love her?" I say and he shrugs his shoulders.

"I'm no love doctor, but she is telling me that you both were in a relationship for two years. After the car crash you forgot about her existence, she was in the car with you," he says and I felt bad for Hailey. She has all this love for me, and I can't even remember one memory I have with her. Not one. I don't feel anything towards her.

"And if you still don't believe me or her, the EMT found this in your pocket the day of the crash," he says as he then gets a small black box from his pocket. "What's that?" I ask as I then grab it from him. Opening up the box I find a beautiful ring inside making me remember something. Just for a split second I see multiple rings over a glass counter.

"I don't want it, you can give it to her," I say giving him the box and he hands it to her. She opens the box and her eyes water once again when she sees it was an engagement ring. "You were going to propose to me that day. That was the surprise, you were going to propose Justin," she says and I roll my eyes at her becoming suddenly all emotional.

"And now you don't even know who the hell I am," she says with her voice cracking. "I believe you, but like you said, I don't know you," I say and she sniffles. "I just need time to process this," she says to herself and I roll my eyes at her. She notices.

"Time for what Hailey?" I ask and she raises her voice, "To process the fact that you loved me so much that you wanted to marry me. And now all of that is gone!" She says crying to me and I just stare at her. It was true, I don't love her.

"It just boggles my mind that you forgot me! The person you loved so much and cared for. It makes me even wonder if all this time I really was that important to you. If you could remember the physics shit you studied in college, how can you not remember me?!" She says and I shrug my shoulders at me. "You tell me. You're the one who claims you know all this shit about me. I don't even know where the fuck I live, it's hard on me Hailey," I say and she scoffs.

"Oh you're suffering. You're doing just fine Justin," she says and I roll my eyes at her. "The real you wouldn't roll your eyes at me," she says and I laugh. "The 'real' me is gone Hailey. Accept the fact that your boyfriend isn't here anymore," I say becoming frustrated with her and she leaves the hospital room.

"Finally," I mutter and I noticed the doctor was still standing there. "May I prescribe you some medication for your mood swings?" He suggest and I gently laugh, mixed with a scoff. "Sure," I say and be leaves the room to go get the pills I suppose.

This is going to be a real pain in the ass to deal with.

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