Chapter 07 | Mad

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Hey y'all! I've officially finished my first semester of college and my last exam! I think I've passed them all. Hopefully. Anyway, sorry this is a touch late - I crashed today and just didn't want to move, so I binge read a bunch of BNHA fics. That's honestly bordering on becoming a special interest for me, woops. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

CW: Mentions of physically abusive partner, spiralling, excessive drinking, period discussion, sensory overload, intrusive thoughts, dissociation/depersonalisation

"I can't believe you're inviting Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee over," Bakura complained as Ryou scurried back and forth from the kitchen to the table with glasses, alcohol, chips, dip, and various other snacks

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"I can't believe you're inviting Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee over," Bakura complained as Ryou scurried back and forth from the kitchen to the table with glasses, alcohol, chips, dip, and various other snacks.

"I wasn't up to make a campaign this week," Ryou protested, "and as much as you don't like him, Atem writes a fucking good one."

That, Bakura couldn't deny. It almost made games night with the Pharaoh tolerable. "Couldn't he just give the campaign to Yugi and let him DM? I don't want to deal with him tonight."

"Then you don't need to play." Ryou his eyebrows, looking up at Bakura from his board. "But I am. I've been working hard all week and I fucking deserve the break." He shook his head. "Besides, Mai's coming over."

That made Bakura perk up a little. Mai was probably the only one of Ryou's immediate friends that he could stand aside from Yugi. The twerp wasn't so bad when the Pharaoh was removed from his hip. "Why didn't you say that first?"

Ryou snorted. "Because I didn't want you texting her and figuring out a way to completely wreck Atem's storyline."

"I would never-" Bakura protested. Ryou raised an eyebrow. "-Okay, first of all, it happened once, second of all, fuck you."

"I don't think Malik would like it very much if you did." Ryou grinned, then winced and clutched his stomach.

Bakura grimaced. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," Ryou muttered. After a second, he released his stomach, though stiffly. "I just need a painkiller."

"You've already had a tramadal today," Bakura protested. "That'll fuck you up if you drink." Ryou rolled his eyes. Bakura leaned back against the wall, chewing his tongue. "Besides, you've had worse."

"I swear to fucking gods," Ryou hissed, "I'm not in the mood for a joke about the Ring right now." Bakura fell silent, and Ryou sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you're trying to help."

Bakura shook his head. "Don't be. It was a bad time." It was always a bad time - he didn't know why he bothered trying to make those jokes seem funny anymore. He yawned. "Eat something first at least."

Ryou sighed. "No, you're right. I'll leave it until tomorrow."

"You should eat anyway."

"Like you're one to talk about properly taking care of yourself." Ryou pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck. Sorry."

When I Said, "Someone Fuck Me," I Didn't Mean LifeWhere stories live. Discover now