A/N Life... what the hell is so important about it?

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I am SOOOO freaking sorry guys. i know its been a while, but school just started and home work has wanted to be a bitch and my teachers are assholes!! Anyways, i am going to be updating more frequently now that i've got a hang of things. Some things went down this month that weren't really good and i really just needed some time to think and i thought a lot about this next upcoming chapter so it's gonna be some what long. I love you guys and thank you so much for the support. I really appreciate it!! I love you guy and i hope you enjoy the next chapter. But before i do that, i want to say something, so this is going to be in MY point of view. My name's Alyssia for those of you who don't know and would like to say something. And i will updating the chapter either tomorrow or the day after. I love yall!! 

Alyssia's P.O.V.

Life. Life is unfair. Life is a bitch and the people in life are even worse. But everyone on earth or any other planet that has life form aliens, has to deal with it. We have to deal with neglect or money issues. Bullying, being perfect, being the loner or being the it girl/boy. We all have to deal with school, if we have enough money to buy cloths for our backs.

My point is, everyone starts out the same. Everyone has the same issues, some issues more sever then others. Some people get life handed to them. They snap their fingers and whatever they say, appears in their palm. They go to school and our instantly in the "it" crowd. The have friends and they have money. They have what everyone on the outside world calls, "The Perfect Life."

And then their are people who have it rough. They don't know if they'll have food on the table tonight. They don't know if the have enough money for school supplies or cloths. They don't know if they can pay the rent, or if mom or dad with be sober enough to work for it.

But there is two thing that everyone- rich, poor, gay, straight, black, white- has. And that my friends, are secrets, and problems.

The "rich" girl that looks perfect on the outside, is crumbling on the inside. She is worrying about how to be more perfect so she can get her parents to notice her more. She just wants them to spend time with her.

The "poor" guy is worrying about going home. He doesn't know if he'll make it to see tomorrow. He's scared to death to go home because his dad beats him. But he has to, for his little sister.

That girl you secretly think is pretty is struggling with her self esteem because every night she comes home, her mother tells her about how much better she could look, and she'd be better off dead. So she tries to kill herself, and each time she fails because she's not ready to go yet.

My point is everyone has problems, you may not know them, but every one has them, and no matter what you do, you should never say something to make someone else feel down. Because you never know what they're going through, and your words, just might tip them off the edge that they're already standing too close to.

Thank you for reading, and remember, check tomorrow for an update!!!

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