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There's always that one foreign exchange student that catches your eye. Whether it's due to their accent, their hip looks, or the fact that you have commitment issues and having a deadline for a romance is the perfect scenario in your book, there's the one that you end up falling for. In my case, it was Percy Dammerung. He was on exchange from Austria and had crystal blue eyes that pierced your soul paired with preppy blonde hair that tempted you to run your hands through the locks. A dancer-esque body, causing his height to be confident instead of lanky. Ugh, what a dream. My mom said that she couldn't understand why I found him attractive because he had a baby like face, I told her his soft accent made up for it.

I met him at the international exchange club during Sophomore year. He was giving the first presentation on his culture, and I-among many other girls-fell for his beautifully innocent nature. Of course, he was on our school's varsity football team. He played soccer, but being an exchange student gave him a status that allowed faculty to let him in.

Once I found this out, I quickly enlisted my friend, Leo Sisk, to come with me to each home game. Leo and I never really talked until he came back from a year-long family exchange in Mexico. When he had left, he just finished eighth grade and had left my brother with the knowledge that he liked me. I thought he was rather annoying at the time and thought that this was another one of his pranks. He didn't seem to still be in love with me when he had come back from Mexico, which was a relief in my book. He and I were in the same Spanish class since he had spent the past year living in the language. I grew to appreciate this, as we became closer throughout the whole semester. Honestly, I don't think we really learned any Spanish that year. The teacher was really chill, and Leo and I would sit in the back of the class to goof off. We were probably pretty annoying, but hey, I got a leg rest out of it: he was always willing (and sometimes offended when I didn't) to have my leg(s) upon his lap.

That was the year I started wearing socks over my jeans so then I wouldn't have to worry about shaving throughout the cold season.

Anyways, when Leo came back from Mexico his family moved to then become our neighbors, so it wasn't a big deal to have him join me to the football games. My girlfriends didn't enjoy sports much, and I needed someone who could explain what was happening while it was happening. I didn't really need to understand what was going on though, Percy was awful at American football; causing him to stand on the sidelines the whole game. Although sad for the avid football player, this was to my advantage, as I only wanted to see him from behind anyways.

Makes me sound shallow, but it's true. I highly enjoyed the view of his toned legs (and butt lol) in the tight pants they have to wear while playing. What can I say? I'm a girl who appreciates a nice body. Personality matters, but the looks of someone causes the initial attraction.

Leo liked to make it difficult for me to focus on Perc...erm the game. There were times where he would poke me just to make me look at him doing a goofy face. Or he'd mess with my hair until I complained, then follow it with throwing a ball cap to cover up the mess that he created (I didn't mind the hat as much considering how I wanted to look as good as possible to greet Percy after the game). Through all of these pesterings, Leo's favorite was to slide his arm across my shoulders.

My reactions differed whenever he did this. I could always count on being flustered and then rejecting him as part of the reaction though. The first time I was too stunned to say anything. Awkward, I know. Normally I would just grab his hand to take his arm off of me and give him a glare. Towards the end of the season, there came a point where I decided to finally call him out for it. The conversation went something like this:

(Leo puts his arm around me)

O: Sorry Leo, you can't do that

L: Oh, and why is that? (insert weird smirk here)

O: Because I'm 16 and you're not. You're too young. So it's illegal to date me or pull any moves.

L: (hurt) Hey, I'm only four months younger than you, so you can't act all high and mighty.

O: Well...... shhhhhh

As you can see, not my prime moment LOL. I shushed him with my finger, which he kissed. At the moment I pulled his arm off of my shoulders and went back to our old banter. His joke kiss to my finger made me blush, weird considering how Percy was right in view on the field. But there was nothing to worry from it, I probably flushed just because it was hot in the stadium, and that was the first time a guy-or anyone really-had done that. I would have reacted the same way for anyone.

Once the home games ended, I would need to get more creative on getting Percy's attention. Afterall, he was popular and I couldn't remain as a random chick who admires him from afar with the occasional 'good game' thrown into the mix. Which is why I thanked my parents for making me know science, as the following semester I was placed in the same advanced environmental class as Percy. My plan was flawless: sit next to Percy with this nice girl, Lilli (she was friends with him), and end up becoming closer to both in the process.

First day of class rolls around and I sit in the back corner, waiting for Percy and Lilli to roll in. When they do, I wave to them and they wave back, heading towards me. Lilli files in, greeting me happily, but Percy passes our row for the one behind us. Confused, I turn around to tell him that he can sit with us when I see him sitting next to a different girl: Emily.

Emily definitely wasn't part of the plan. Turns out I did have a flaw in it after all.


As promised, the next chapter is now up! 

What do you guys think about Percy? Leo?

If you've made it this far why don't you press that little star? ;-) 

The next update will be in two weeks, on Jan 2. 

Happy Holidays! 

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