After the play ends tragically with endless clapping and cheering, and everything else, I find my way to my friends that are already assembled back in the green room.

"Congrats guys you did well" I hail. "What did Mrs Jenkins grade you guys anyway? "

"B" Amber informs with excitement "This is my first B since I started high school. C has always been the highest for me"

"Hallelujah this is a miracle" Jade exclaims sarcastically

"But i don't need it anymore though" Amber continues mindlessly "I was hoping to add it in my application to NYU before yesterday when I saw that I've been admitted to Columbia which I didn't send an application to"

"How did that happen? "I ask even though I know the answer as well as the others

"My dad sent the application on my behalf sometime ago. He wants me to join Lucas and study law"

"Congrats" I say along with the others but i feel its undeserved because Columbia is an Ivy league school so i'm sure that her father must have pulled strings for her to get in. The importance of being stinkingly affluent.

"I also got into Columbia. Saw the admission yesterday" Audrey informs quietly. she'd also applied for Columbia but with little hopes that she would get in. She doesn't seem enthusiastic about it though

"Really? Wow! " my eyes widen as well as the others then "That's great" I'm really happy for her because she worked hard to get in but deep down, I also wish that I applied for Columbia too

Amber carries on with an increased excitement "Then we're roomies then and you'll also be seeing my cousin too so romantic. This is fate"

"I'm not sure I want to go because its expensive and I wouldn't like to stress my dad" She explains

"Oh come on that's a great opportunity you wouldn't want to miss out on. Leave the expenses to the parents and be happy" Jade urges

"I'm not as inconsiderate as you are Jade. My dad has a lot of bills to pay as it is and I don't want to add to it" She says sharply

Jade rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything else

"What about NYU?" I ask. "You also applied for it right? "

"Waiting list"

"How about you Jade? "

"Same but I've thought about it and i'm not sure I want to go there anymore" she says thoughtfully "Dominic made me think about my choice of college critically so I've chosen Fashion institute of technology in other to focus on my dreams better because NYU has nothing to offer me"

"Me too. I also got an admission in that school yesterday"Amber pipes in

"Gee! how come you keep getting accepted into places you never applied for?" Jade mumbles com plainly "And the irony is that you're the least most intelligent among us. No offence Amber"

I'm also thinking the same thing. Ambers grades can barely help into almost any college yet she's been given admission into and Ivy league school and a fashion institute

"Non taken because its true"Amber agrees not in the least offended then her face falls in distress "It was my mom who sent the application because she wants me to be a fashion designer"

"Where will you go then? " I ask

"I'm not sure. I don't want to break either of their hearts so i'm confused" She admits weakly

"I vote for fashion school so we can be roomies instead "Jade suggests eagerly

"No voting jade but if i'm to vote, I vote for Columbia because its an ivy league school and Law is more respectable than fashion. Besides, her cousin is over there i argue

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