Dark Princess, Eunha

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“And let's give a Dark Welcome to our Dark Princess, Jung Eunha!”

Everyone give a Dark Welcome to the Dark Princess.

Jung Eunha enter the room.

She saw a lot of Darkness (it mean "people" in Dark World) give a dark feeling to her. It makes her feel less nervous and ready.

She smirk.

“Welcome, our Dark Princess, Eunha. We're getting much dark spirit when you enter the room.” said the Dark King.

Eunha smirk and bow to the Dark King and her mom, Dark Queen.

“Thank you.” said Eunha.

“I'm glad that you were here to be the 7th Dark Princess.” said Dark Queen.

“I know.” said Eunha as she turn around and walk away.

“I wish you can be the next Dark Queen.” said Eunha's mom.

Eunha smirk again. “Of course i'm gonna be the Dark Queen too.” she walk straight to her room after that.

“She's very different and unique than other princess.” said the Dark King.

“That's make me feel sure that she's gonna be like me.” Dark Queen complimenting.

“Yea.” Dark King agreed.


Eunha POV

Ugh.. i don't like to be the princess or the queen!

Evil don't need to be a princess!

But maybe queen, but i don't want to..

Is there any a way to get out from this world and be a normal evil? Just like SinB?

I'm so done of the rules in here...
I wish i never be born as a queen's child...

Um.. Ha!

I need a History of Dark Land new book!

But is there even a new book in library?

Huh.. i have to read the book and find a way to find ‘Exit the Dark Land’ portal!

Just like what SinB does!

That's a great idea but where can i find the newest dark land historical book...?

Fine, i'm going to library even tho i hate it..

Even the library is old.. but... Ok fine!

I'm going upstair to the library to find the newest dark land historical book.

Cause inside the book, i can find SinB's way to get out from the Dark Land.
SinB the Red Evil daughter really make a history because she can get out from this world.

So there's maybe some information that telling about how she get out.

It'll help me, cause i'm so done with this world rules.

I know, i'm a princess and i maybe can change the rules in this Dark World.

But no, be the princess didn't change anything big. It only change a little.
Same with being a queen.
That's why i don't want to be like them.

Only DEVIL can change the rules or the dark world.

And no one can replace a devil. There's only one devil in this Dark World.

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