Group 2~ How You Meet?

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Jeff the Killer
You came back from a long day of school with tons of homework. You live alone since your parents abandoned you but you didn't care. You adapted to a life on your own. You still had relatives but they live in other states and you loved your hometown. 

Your small cat came up to greet you. You smiled and fed the cat before fixing dinner for a long night. Thank goodness that it was Friday! You fixed some lasagna before going upstairs and blaring y/f/g (your favorite genre) music.
It was hitting 1 o'clock and you were tired. You yawned loudly and hit your bed. Before you could go to sleep, you heard a loud crash. 

"Damn! Why does this always happen?" You heard a deep voice say. You pretended to be asleep. "I guess this one will be easier to kill.

You gave a swift kick in the gut and grabbed your nearest weapon which happened to be a textbook, a history textbook. You hit him hard which caused him to groan.

"I guess I won't kill you. Bye y/n." He yelled as you saw he left his knife. I guess he'll be returning soon.

Your cousin bought you a game from a garage sale because he knew that you were a natural born gamer. You stuck towards LOZ and Pokémon but LOZ was a childhood you were not forgetting. When you heard that he found Majora's Mask, you could have died. Being your favorite cousin made it ten times better.

As you entered your room, you hooked the game up and put your hair in a messy bun. You smiled seeing it load but there were already saved files. You felt bad deleting them so you continued on one which was titled BEN. You watched as the game began to glitch. Your cousin couldn't have known that it glitched. You felt sad because Majora's mask was a favorite. You began to shut off the TV when a text formed: you shouldn't have done that.

All of a sudden, a strange Link fell out of your TV face first. You began to laugh before he pinned you to your bed.
"You know, I like your laugh. I'll come back." He said before entering the TV once again.

Eyeless Jack
A long day of school could make anyone tired but a day of school, break-up, and fired from your job. That was a nightmare. You ran home to find your house empty, normally your parents are home. A note was on the fridge and it read: sorry for the late notice but we were called in for a 2 month trip. We left a credit card and cash for you. Don't forget that you have the neighbor if you need someone to talk to. 

You thought of inviting a friend over but you were too tired to deal with anyone. You took a quick warm shower and curled up in sweats and a tshirt. You began to watch Netflix and fixed yourself a sandwich. 

As 10:30 rolled around, you were tired and began to fall asleep. You dozed into a deep slumber

At around 2 in the morning, you felt a cold object touch your skin. You opened your eyes to see a blue mask. You gasped before he jumped off and ran out the window. A note was on your table saying: I'll be back for your kidneys. 

Ticci Toby (for every tick will be symbolized as a ^)
You were walking back from your work as a bartender. You needed money and you could mix a mean cocktail. As you walked back home in a red tank top and black skirt. You felt a presence behind you. You grabbed your knife in your purse before being slammed into a wall. 

"Pretty. Guess you'll be the next one." Said a drunk man while rubbing your sides. You spat in his face as he hit you. "Listen here, you are coming with me."

Just as you shut your eyes, two hatchets came out of nowhere and hit the man in the head and gut. He began to spurt blood as you looked away. 

"You ^ okay." Said a boy with brown hair and goggles. "He ^ wasn't ^ that nice."

"I'm fine after what you did. Thank you. Are you okay?" You asked before he grabbed his hatchets.

"It's ^ normal." He said with a slight tick. "Better get home. I ^ won't be so ^ nice the next time. Bye y/n."

You were at a lost for words because this man saved you and then said your name.

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