Chapter 2

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"So let's see who we have this time?" Louis says. They all walk to the end of the tour bus to see what girls have solved the riddle hidden. "What a shame. There's only one this time. Oh well, she'll do just fine." Liam says. "Huh? Liam? is that you? What am I doing here?" The blindfolded girl asks. "Well you could say we 'kidnaped you' but that would be a lie. We're not leaving town just yet. We're ganna have some fun first..." Liam tells her.

Harry walks behind her and puts a cloth in her mouth, muffling her screams. Louis and Niall hold her down and she wiggles trying to break free from there grasp. "You see, we have a terrible secret. And your ganna hear it! ISNT THAT GREAT?!?" Liam yells "You see we're able to stay you young and good because of you young girls! We have to carefully extract your love for us!" Liam grazes her face with his fingers only before cutting her open reaching into her heart, and pulls out a glowing sphere that's glows a bright pink. It levitates mid air then dissolves into all the boys. The girl suddenly stops screaming, and becomes my depressed. She no longer has any interest in the band or them. She walks right off the bus leaving without remembering a thing.

"Why so easy on the girl? Normally you don't just let them walk off. At lease not alive." Niall asks Liam. "I'm not sure why. She was different, but not by much." Liam says. "Off to the next concert then boys." Zayn says.

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