Chapter Twelve. The Termination Facilitator.

Start from the beginning

Students began social studies once they attained competence in language. This involved an intensive study of Myrian art, music, literature, and social customs. The political history of Myr and a detailed study of the lands physical and human geography were other major components. A student could choose to take a comprehensive exam in Myrian studies at any time before their sixteenth birthday. Only students who passed this exam were eligible for advanced studies. 

The examination was a major hurdle. Failure meant you were destined for some menial job, such as manual work in the mines or alphega fields. A pass, on the other hand, almost guaranteed a career with the MRP, and all the benefits that entailed. Aptitudes shown in advanced studies determined the nature of their eventual career. However, very few students proceeded to advanced studies. The number passing the comprehensive exam was declining with every passing year. The majority of young people just weren't interested in a government job, or in work of any kind.  

Marilena was in advanced studies. She had passed the comprehensive exam with the third highest grade ever recorded in the city of Drylan. The Education Department had sent her a congratulatory message, and informed her that she now had access to the Alphega Studies Network. This was a great honour, as success in this programme could lead to a position in the higher echelons of government. Marilena however was not sure she wanted a civil service career. 

Her morning studies completed, Marilena made her way down into the basement room that Gramps now called home. 

"What kept you so long, Marilena? I've been expecting you for almost an hour." 

"Sorry, Gramps, but I was having a lot of trouble with my math course." 

"Pshaw!! Math, a lot of good that will do you nowadays. Useless that's what it is. Anyway, I'm glad you're here. I've something to show you. Come here." 

Gramps beckoned her towards a door leading into a small adjacent room built beneath the stairs. As she entered, he handed her a brass key. 

"See that chest over there by the far wall, go and open it, and tell me what you think." 

The key turned easily in the well-lubricated lock and a waft of cedar permeated the room as she lifted the lid. 

"What's this, Gramps?" she said, holding up a neatly pressed dress suit. 

"It's my going away outfit." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I've just received my official notification from the T.F." 

"The T.F.?" 

"The Termination Facilitator. Next month I will be one hundred and one." 

Marilena blanched, her throat constricted as she choked on a sob. 

"Oh, Gramps, I didn't realize it was so soon. Do you intend to go through with it? We could maybe find a way out."  

"I think the government might be right for once. It seems to be a good way to overcome the overpopulation problem. I've had a good life and anyway there doesn't seem to be any alternative. I'm told that at my age you only last a matter of days without alphega and that withdrawal can be extremely painful." 

"I'm sure we could get you an alphega supply." 

"No doubt you could but you would have the MRP breathing down your necks in no time. They have my records. They would cut off the alphega supply to the whole family. I can't have that." 

"But, Gramps." 

"No more buts, Marilena. I've decided to go and I'm going in style. Have you ever seen anything like it? It's my wedding suit. It's seventy five years old, still wearable and remarkably it still fits." 

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