Chapter 4 - New Ability

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Chapter 4 - New Ability


Time went by too fast for Edasawa, hours became minutes, and weeks became days. Her visits to Tokyo was reduced to every second Sunday, due to the basketball club getting a hell lot busier now that the Inter-High tournament was nearing. Edasawa and Midorima even cut off connection, for the sake of being fair, and no information would be leaked. Shooting Guard of Shuutoku knew of Edasawa's pride as a player, so he made a promise with her that they wouldn't see each other as siblings, but as enemies on the court. Takao was a little weirded out by these events, but soon understood it, respecting the two's decision. The Midorima couple also understood their children's dedication to their sport, and their respective situations. It was hard at first, but they got used to it soon enough.

As of now, Edasawa was helping with the basketball club, her schedule getting a lot more busier since Araki-sensei's assistant coach had temporary leave due to personal issues. Being the temporary assistant coach, Araki-sensei had to let Edasawa handle the second stringers, since Araki-sensei decided she'll be supervising the first stringers again. Because of this, the starters and Edasawa rarely have time to hang out. The six of them had gotten close over the rather short period of time, finding the silverette easy to get along with.

"Five more laps! You can do this!" Edasawa called out, encouraging the second stringers who was doing the training menu Araki-sensei had made for them. The silverette had also begun studying her coach's training notes, getting better at formulating regime's herself and improving her data gathering skills.

"Edasawa-san, was after the shuttle runs?" Akihito, a 3rd year, asked while trying to regain his breath. The silverette smiled at him before scanning the menu on her clipboard.

"Hmm... After the shuttle run... Ah, alternation between side sprints and footwork, 20 sets. Begin with the side sprint then go to footwork, that's one set. 15 minute break after that, Akihito-senpai." She informed him. The older teen grinned at her, patting her shoulder before going back to practice. The other members had also warmed up to her, due to her respectful attitude and once again her easy-to-get-along-with personality. Edasawa felt someone sling their arm over her shoulder, to her surprise.

"Yo, Ginji. How are you guys doing over here?" Edasawa immediately recognized the voice as Fukui's. She turned her head to look at her senpai, and indeed it was him, Liu Wei was there also.

"I feel bad about the guys. How about in Kensuke-senpai's side?" The silverette asked. The starters and Edasawa had also settled to first-name basis, since their relationship had kind of reach a brother-sister level. They found it hard not to like the girl.

"I'm not really sure if I can feel my legs later, but I think we'll survive. Hey, wanna get some ice cream later?" Fukui asked, to which Edasawa readily agreed to. Fukui grinned, ruffling Edasawa's hair.

"It has gotten a lot warmer, hasn't it-aru?" Liu Wei said, drinking from his Pocari. Edasawa nodded, looking back at the second stringers.

"Summer is almost here, after all. We'll be having a summer training camp, aren't we?" She asked her seniors, who nodded.

"Yeah, but we're still not sure where to hold it. Well, we gotta go back to practice now. I'll tell the others about the ice cream later, 'kay?" Fukui said as he and Liu Wei walked back to the other side of the court, since Araki-sensei had called for the first stringers.

"How many sets have you done already?" Edasawa asked a 1st year as he passed by, looking ready to faint. The guy paused for awhile, catching his breath.

"We've done 12 sets, Edasawa-san." He managed to say. Edasawa offered him a smile. She had given up on telling them to call her by her first name, the guys insisting it was impolite for them to call a girl by her first name if they are not close.

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