Chapter 2 - First Day

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Chapter 2 - First Day


"Mom, I'll be sure to visit every chance I get, okay?" Edasawa said, embracing her mother who was tearing up. The silverette thought her mother was being silly, but aren't all mothers? The Midorima family was currently in the Tokyo Train station, saying their farewell, just before the train to Akita arrives. Even Midorima absented from class to personally bid his sister farewell. Their father wasn't tearing up like their mother, but he made sure to hug his youngest child tightly,

"Take care of yourself, okay? And don't you slack off at school, too." He said, earning a smile from the silverette.

"Yes, dad. I will." She said, as her father let her go. Edasawa smiled up at her brother as he patted her head, seeing no need of words between them.

"Before I forget…" Midorima murmured, getting something from his pocket. Edasawa cocked her head to the side, as Midorima took her hand and placed something in it, or rather, placed something around her wrist.

"I know you don't care about horoscopes, but today's lucky item for a Leo is a bracelet with the same color as the wearer's hair. Take care of it." He said, as pushed up his glasses. The silverette examined the silver bracelet with awe, especially the beautifully crafted hourglass charm. She smiled at Midorima with pure happiness.

"Aw… Nii-taro's a real tsundere! You could just say 'Take care-nanodayo.' y'know!" She teased, elbowing her brother in the ribs. A pissed-off mark appeared on Midorima's forehead.

"I am NOT a tsundere!" He exclaimed, proving Edasawa's point in the process. Edasawa and their parents were laughing at his reaction, and then Edasawa embraced her bother for a moment, releasing him quickly afterwards.

"Take care, nii-san. Everyone, too." She said. The train to Akita finally arrived, its metal doors opening as it halted.

"The train to Akita has arrived at 1:00 PM sharp, all passengers please board immediately." The announcer said, and Edasawa took it as her cue to go. She picked up her bags effortlessly, despite the weight.

"I'll try to visit as often as possible, okay? I'll be going now!" She called, as she entered the train. She waved at them through the window. Her family waved back at her, before leaving. Edasawa watched their backs as they walked away, missing them already. She placed her headphones over her ears, music filling her head and lulling her to sleep. She fought the sleepiness for a while, just watching her surroundings pass by in a blur.

'I wonder what Yousen is like… More importantly, can I enjoy something there…?' She thought, before finally letting her eyes close, falling into a light sleep.

"…-e have finally arrived in Akita-ku by exactly 5:30 PM. Please do not forget your baggage and have a good day." The announcer's voice woke the silverette up, who looked around blearily for a moment and then realized the train had already reached its destination. She stood up quickly, getting her bags and checking if she forgot anything, then quickly left the train. She hailed down a cab, giving the instructions to where the apartment she'll be living is. She took out her phone, and messaged her brother.

["Nii-san, I'm in Akita-ku now. Good luck to you guys over there."] She finished typing, and pressed the send button before going back to staring out the window.

"We're here miss." The driver said, making the silverette snap out of her daydreaming and hand over her payment. She got out quickly, looking up at the large apartment building.

"Here we are." Edasawa said to no one in particular. She pushed open the gate, and she was slightly impressed with the spaciousness of the lot and the size of the 5-floor apartment. She entered the first floor and walked down to the elevator at the end of the hall. The first floor was designed like a lobby, and Edasawa checked at framed map that hung at left wall as she passed by it.

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