21: Once in a Lifetime (part II)

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"Every once in a while, someone will catch your eye. Someone you can't seem to get out of your head

—a once-in-a-lifetime kind of girl.

A girl who makes you feel like a complete pussy for even entertaining the idea of love at first sight, and sometimes it takes you off guard so much that you might even have to reach down and make sure your balls are still intact."


"Are you kidding me?" Nigel yelled. "Exactly how many gorgeous men have you been with Randy?" Nigel was starting to fume. Miranda is beautiful. No one could question that, but she had already been with Sam, who was the perfect man, and her first husband was a beautiful French bachelor. This was not fair.
"I was only married twice; to Mathias and then Stephen. Besides that, I was engaged twice; Daniel and then Sam." She paused to pretend to think. "I think that's all."
"Jesus Christ" Nigel took a huge gulp of his drink.
Miranda was amused. "I don't see why you're so upset." She tried her best to stifle her smile. 
"I'm not upset." Nigel was getting cranky. It was almost like he was a toddler being told that Santa Claus isn't real right after he got his presents.
"But you're annoyed." Miranda raised her eyebrow.
"It's just so unfair." Nigel bursted. "I have seen your exes and they're gorgeous." He pouted. "I want one."
"Well if you want one of mine so badly, you can take Daniel." She took a sip from her glass. "I'm really not interested in seeing anyone. I want to focus on my girls and on Runway." She admitted. Although, a part of her was lying. She loved Daniel, and she always will. She had planned a life with him when she was younger, but of course life had other plans. None of the plans she had ever happened. Now, the universe was presenting her an opportunity to see and talk to Daniel again, but she didn't know whether or not she should take it.
"Liar!" Nigel gasped. "We both know your name would be all over page six in a matter of weeks."
Miranda rolled her eyes. "I'm going to call Daniel to set up a meeting." Her tone was somehow starting to get icy.
"This late at night?" Nigel asked.
Miranda nodded sadly. "As much as I'd hate to bother him, I need to beat Stephen to it. I can't risk having my girls humiliated and devastated. I haven't told the twins yet, and if Stephen beats me to it," she paused to regain her composure. Everyone knew that Stephen wasn't the twins' biggest fan. He hated Miranda's daughters. Olivia was bearable for him because she wasn't around much, but the twins were a different story. "Stephen would make sure to drag the twins into the settlement."
Nigel nodded in agreement. Stephen was an asshole. He was selfish and inconsiderate. He wanted Miranda all for himself. I guess a lot of men just aren't use to women being more successful than they are. However, he wasn't all bad. Stephen did love Miranda. In the beginning, he would always come home with fresh flowers just to make her smile. Even in the recent years, he would always make it a point to tell her how much he loves her at random parts of the day. But, things were different now. Stephen no longer said 'I love you,' and Miranda no longer wanted to put up with his constant nagging.
Miranda stood up from her chair and tightened her grip on her cellphone. "I'm going out to call Daniel." She had always felt comfortable talking to Nigel. He was her friend after all. They had both interned at Runway around the same time. Honestly, it may not look like it, but Miranda and Nigel are almost around the same age. Her silver hair was deceiving. However, she didn't want him to overhear the conversation with Daniel. She loved Nigel and trusted him, but there was just something with Daniel Rafferty that she wanted to keep him all to herself. He was her little secret.

Miranda took a deep breath. She had tried so many times to do this, but never had the courage to do so. He broke her heart. She hesitated to call him. There are a thousands of other lawyers in New York. Maybe someone else can take her case. She thought, but she was also curious. Fuck it.

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