1: Prologue

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Sam woke up a little before the sun started to rise. His head still a little sore from the party last night. He pushes himself up, so that he can sit up.

The room is a complete mess. It had Donna's costumes on the foot of the bed and his bag was laying on the floor right beside the door.

"I guess we were in a hurry to consummate our marriage that we didn't even bother to tidy up." He smiled at that thought. Last night was absolutely perfect. Not just the part where they had sex. The wedding definitely had taken everyone by surprise. Even Sam was a little surprised that he did that. However, they wouldn't have it any other way. She was the one. She had always been.

He looks over to his new wife. She looks absolutely breathtaking. She was lying on her back. A thin white sheet was covering her. Her wavy blonde hair was perfectly covering her pillow. There was a hint of makeup still left on her face. Probably because they had been busy doing other things last night. God! She is exactly like the way she was when he had met her all those years ago.

"I can't believe you're finally all mine." Sam thinks to himself. He leans over to kiss her forehead. "I love you so much, Donna. I will never leave you again. Ever." Tears start to stream down his cheeks.

Sam had always been an early riser. He had to be. He ran around Central Park every morning from 7-8. Then, he would rush home to make breakfast for him and his kids. Plus he hasn't gotten used to the time difference between New York and Greece, so that must have been why he had woken up so early. He couldn't complain though. Sam had the most amazing view he could ever imagine, Donna.

As the sun started to rise, Donna had started to rise too. "Good morning beautiful." Sam whispered. Donna was still a little taken aback from what had happened last night. "So it wasn't a dream." Donna said as she carefully pushed herself up; making sure she wouldn't show Sam anything she didn't want him to see.

Sam giggled. "I'm afraid it did happen. I'm your problem now."

Donna bursted out laughing. "I can't believe we're married." She said as she examined her wedding ring. "You're here and we're married."

"I know." Sam pulled her closer to him. He kissed her forehead softly. They were silent for awhile. No one wanted to say anything. They just held each other as the sun continued to rise.

Donna looked up at Sam and started to kiss him hungrily. Almost like she was afraid he would get up and leave again. Sam kissed back for awhile. Suddenly, he could feel Donna's tears slowly running down their faces. "Hey." He whispered as he tried to catch his breath. "What's wrong my love?"

"It's just." She pulls away. Sam gently rubs her shoulders to encourage her to open up to him. "It's okay. You can tell me anything." Sam offers a sweet smile.

"I have just wanted this for so long. I can't believe it's actually happening. You're here." Donna said as she started to sob. "This was our dream remember? A villa on the island. Together. We said that we would spend the rest of our lives on this beautiful island." Sam slowly traces down Donna's arms and gets her hand. "I love you so much Mrs. Carmichael." He kisses her hand. Then wipes her tears away. "I hope it's not too late for us to do that." Sam smiles. "Why? Have you changed your mind?"

"NO!" Donna screams. "I just can't believe I'm your wife. You're my husband." She leans in to give him a kiss. "I'm so happy."

"I am too." Sam slowly kisses her cheeks. Trying to kiss her tears away. He could taste the saltiness of her tears. It hurt him to know just how much he had hurt her.

"Don't ever leave me." She whispers to him as she wraps her arms around him. "I won't ever leave you again my love." Sam replies.

As they pulled away from their kiss, they could hear Tanya and Harry talking from the courtyard. "And that's a sign that we need to go." Donna announced as she stood up. She started to grab their clothes off of the floor causing Sam to pout.

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