2: Have you heard of her?

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A/N: Italicized sentences are their thoughts! 😊

Donna was speechless. She didn't know exactly how she felt. She was surprised to discover that Sam had a daughter. Then, she was angry at him for not telling her sooner. Now, she was a mixture of confusion, anger, disappointment and happiness. Sam wasn't happily married after all. His wife had left him and her two sons. Then got divorced. He fell in love with another woman; had a kid with her, and then somewhere along the way that too didn't work out. It was a lot to take in. Sam's life wasn't at all what she had thought it was. It made her think what if I had listened to him when he tried to explain all those years ago? How different would our lives be?

"Donna?" Sam tried to get her attention. "You have heard of her?" Sam asked.


"You have heard of Miranda?" Sam asked as if he wanted her to say yes. Donna just shook her head as a response. "I'm sorry. I don't."

Sam started to chuckle. Then soon turned out into a laugh. He was amused. It had looked like Sam was happy that Donna has never heard of Miranda Priestly.

"I have lived on this island for fifteen years. Also, I rarely go to the mainland because of Sophie and villa. I didn't have the time to keep up with what was happening." Donna tried to explain. Sam just had this huge grin on his face. "Darling" he lightly placed his hand on her cheek; slowly stroking his thumb. This had sent shivers down Donna's spine. This man made her crazy. These simple things made him even more irresistible. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I'm sorry if my reaction caught you off guard. It's just that Miranda has an ego as big as the whole damn island, and this would definitely drive her crazy." Sam leaned in closer to Donna. Their lips were barely an inch away from each other. "I have never met anyone that hasn't heard of her. You're definitely the first." He was very amused.

"Well it's not the first time I'm your first at something." Donna just winked at him, and it was enough to make Sam close the gap between them. The kids got deeper and Donna slowly leaned back. They were now lying on the bed she had just made. Sam slowly got on top of her. Ready for whats about to come.

"Wait! Wait" Donna said in between kisses. Sam placed his hand on her waist. However, his other hand was slowly tracing her arm. "Sam" Donna moaned.

"You haven't told me about your daughter." Donna said more sternly. Sam quickly got off of his wife and sat on the edge of the bed once again. "Honey" Donna now sat up beside him. "I didn't mean to be so straightforward. I would just want to have this conversation now rather than later." Sam nodded in agreement. "You said that you got divorced 13 years ago. That means you're daughter is about—"

"Eleven" Sam interrupted.

"Oh" Donna smiled. "At least she's still at the point where she listens to you." She tried to lighten the mood.

"Actually, Olivia is the sweetest girl you will ever meet." Sam said proudly. "It's hard not to love her." He smiled. Remembering his little girl's antics.

"Olivia? That's a beautiful name Sam."

"It just fit her." Sam was not getting a little choked up. He missed his little girl. "She is my best friend you know. The boys and I are pretty close of course, but they have each other. Livie and I were the real partners. I actually even used to play dress up with Livie when she was little." Donna laughed. She liked knowing about this side of Sam. She always knew he would make a great father. "I would have loved to see that."

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