17: This Ends Here

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Sam looked up at the building. This was where he should have gotten off. He should have been here an hour ago; only if he got off the car. He couldn't help but think if Donna was already on the top floor. She could be waiting for him. Donna Sheridan was his dream. She was always the one Sam wanted. 21 years ago, he thought that he had lost her forever. She was always on the back of his mind and in his heart. He knew that he was genuinely and irreplaceably in love with Donna. Even when they were apart, a part of him still wanted her. She was the one that got away. What if he came back sooner? Would she still have gone with Bill? What if he came back sooner? What if he told her from the start? There will always be unanswered questions. Some of which are devastating to leave with no answers, but that's how the world works. It can screw you over. Fate screwed him and Donna over the first time. Even if Sam had played a part in why they ended, it couldn't have entirely been his fault. He was engaged when he met Donna. No one could have planned for him to fall in love in a remote island in the middle of Greece. Things like that don't just happen. That was fate working it's way, and it was also fate that brought Bill to Donna.

Sam had a gut feeling that Bill was Sophie's biological father. It was obvious. Sam knew that he couldn't be Sophie's father since he found out Sophie's birthday. He has done the math. Him and Donna were together from July 17 up until July 25. Sophie was born in May. If Sam were the father, Sophie would have been born in April. He knew how a baby developed based on his experience with his three children. Sam knew very well that Sophie wasn't his, but a part of him knew that it wasn't his place to tell Sophie or Donna. They had all agreed that all three men were her father regardless of paternity. Sam was going to respect that. Plus, it wasn't like he was losing her anyway. He would still treat her like she was his own. He was her step father. That would be good enough for him. It was just fate's way of bringing all of them together.

However, Sam couldn't blame fate or the universe for the situation he is now. He kissed Miranda. That was all him. No one had pushed him to do it. He had looked her beautiful green eyes and perfectly soft lips and leaned in. No one made him do it. It was terrifying to imagine Donna's reaction to the news. Sam was going to break her heart once again. Even after he promised her countless times that he would never do so again. Sam didn't know exactly why he kissed Miranda. He knew it wasn't because he loved her or because he wanted her again. He just did it. It was familiar. However, it wasn't right. It never was. Sam was meant to be with Donna. Lorraine and Miranda were mere stepping stones that lead Sam back to who was meant to be with. He was going to tell Donna about the kiss. He didn't want to keep anything from her. Sam didn't know how she will take it, but Sam knew that she deserved the truth.

He took a deep breath and headed inside the building. It was time to rip the band aid. There was no avoiding it now. He needed to attend this dinner. It was time to place their family together.

"Sammy there you are!" Luke's wife, Emily, sighed in relief. "We have been waiting for you for awhile now. We were so worried that Miranda didn't get the kid's text."
"No need to worry. I'm here now." Sam forced a smile.
"Great." She replied as she practically shoved him into the elevator. "Now, I need you to be a good boy and get changed as quick as you can. Luke is already upstairs with a suit." She pressed the button on the elevator and quickly jumped out. "I'll be there soon." She smirked. "With your wife and kids."
The elevator doors close and Sam is left alone once again. A suit? He thought. Why do I need a suit? And why are we going to a penthouse instead of a restaurant? As Sam was pondering these questions, there was a ding coming from the elevator announcing that he has reached his floor. Sam stepped out of the elevator not knowing what he was getting himself into. He knew that they were meant to have dinner as a family, but no one had given him any details about it. He didn't know who was even bound to show up. Was this another set up by my  mother? Sam thought, but he quickly dismissed it. He knew that Elizabeth Carmichael was stubborn, but she was not evil. Sam knew that after the flop of a party last night, she would not dare to try again. However, what was Emily doing here? And did she say that Luke was here too? Sam looked around the venue.

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