4: Eleven Hours

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Donna was never a big fan of flying. The idea of riding a big metal machine with wings never seemed to ideal for her. Thus, explains why she has only rode one in her entire life time. She vowed never to buy another plane ticket ever again. Until today.

After Sam's second proposal, they had been forced to go to brunch with the remaining guests from their wedding instead of celebrating their engagement on their own. Then after, the newlyweds quickly said their goodbyes to Sky and Sophie's friends who were going back to the mainland. Their friends however, chose to stayed. Tanya and Harry had decided to extend their trip a day longer. Donna thinks it's because of the young flings they have met. Tanya didn't want to admit it. However, Harry didn't even try to prove Donna wrong. As soon as Donna teased him on it, he turned into a love sick puppy dog barking all the answers Donna and Sam wanted to know. In addition, Rosie and Bill had also decided to rebook their flights. Unlike Tanya's and Harry's, theirs were set indefinitely. "We just want to sail around for awhile." They both explained. However, even though they didn't have any planes to catch, the two wolves had still left that afternoon.

As soon as the sun started to set, Sam walked into Donna's bedroom to search for something. His phone still pressed to his ear. As soon as he had found the pen and paper, Sam started to write down the details of their flight on a piece of paper as his assistant was slowly dictating it over the phone. "Thank you Alyssa. I'll see you in a few days." He said as he added the last period on his note. "And please make sure Miranda knows that I'm staying two more nights. I still can't reach her cellphone or her office." Sam quickly ended the call after reminding Alyssa, his assistant, to call his former fiancé. Sam sighed loudly. How could he tell Miranda about his plans to move Olivia to Greece with him? He thought to himself as he sat down in front of Donna's vanity mirror filled with pictures of Sophie. His eyes scanned the room to look for his wife. As soon as his eyes met hers, he motioned for Donna to come closer to him. She hesitated, but she still did it.

"Are you sure you want to move your flight?" Donna asked.

Sam held Donna's hand and led her to sit on his lap. "Honey, we've talked about this. I'm only moving my flight so that we can properly celebrate our wedding." He winked. It was the truth. Plus, they were already on this gorgeous island together, and sooner or later they'll be the only ones here at the hotel.

However, Sam knew that they couldn't stay there forever. They both needed to go to New York. Things needed to be talked about. Donna also had to meet Nate, James, and Liv. Although, they did just get married, so a few days alone wouldn't hurt. Sam tried to lean in, but Donna quickly dodged it.

"I know! I know! I'm just saying you can go ahead to do what you have to, then I can follow in a few days. I mean I still have things to do here anyway." She added. As soon as she turned her head to face him, Sam had caught her lips with his. Sam's hands swept Donna's hair to one side. This caused her to let out a soft moan. Donna wrapped her hands around his shoulders.

"I love you" Sam whispered. "Saying that can never justify just how much I actually do love you." He cupped her face to kiss her forehead. " But, I promise to show you just how much I love you every minute of the day. I also want to promise that I will never leave you ever again." He rested his forehead on hers and stared directly at her beautiful green eyes. "I can't live another day without you, my love."

Donna was stunned. She was speechless. Her vision started to get hazy. It was real. She had him. Sam Carmichael was finally home. All those years ago, they had planned their lives together. They wanted to settle down on the island to build up a hotel and to raise a family; together. Now, it was all happening. Maybe their plan started 21 years later than they had expected, but it was still so perfect. Ever since the moment they had met, they knew that they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together. A tear fell from Donna's eye.

"I missed you." She admitted. Sam was about to reply. However, she placed her hand on his cheek signaling that she had more to say. "For years, I tried to imagine what your life was like. I wanted to believe that you were happily married in a nice beautiful house. Your kids would run around your backyard with their favorite toys in hand." Donna paused for a second. She was getting a little too choked up. "It was just easier to think that you were happy, so that I would hate you. I wanted to hate you so badly because of what you did to me. Yet, I couldn't. I love you so much that I couldn't even hate you when you lied to me and broke my heart." Donna slapped him hard. Sam deserved it. They both knew that he did. Sam didn't even react. She had been wanting to do that since he got on the ferry back to the mainland. Donna, then, hugged him tightly. Sam slowly wrapped his hands around her. Unsure if she'd allow him. Without hesitation, she let all of the tears go. She was now visibly shaking as tears came rushing down. He gave her a light squeeze and then held her for as long as she needed.

"You have no idea how much I had wanted this since you left. I wanted you so badly, Sam."
"I wanted you too. There was not a day that I didn't think about you." Sam couldn't hold the tears any longer. "I know that I've hurt you in the past, and believe me, I wish I could take it all back." Sam lightly kissed her temple. "But that's all over now. I'm here." He hugged her tighter. "I'm here, baby. I will never ever leave you."
Donna nodded. She did believe him. She was just still at loss for words.
"I can't wait to marry you again." Sam stroked his thumb on her cheek to wipe her tears. She offered him a gentle smile. He loved her smile. "I would marry you everyday if I could." Sam announced. "But honestly, can I tell you something?" Sam reached for Donna's hand. He interlocked their fingers "I don't think I can go up the chapel stairs everyday." Sam joked.
Donna bursted out laughing. "Oh God!" She playfully hit him on the chest. "Actually, I too have to tell you something." Donna said seriously. Sam nodded. "I'm terrified of flying." Donna admitted.
Sam grinned. He wanted to laugh so badly. Donna Sheridan Carmichael was the most courageous and free spirited person Sam Carmichael has ever met. The fact that she too was scared of something amused her husband.
"It's not funny!" Donna pouted. "I genuinely am terrified."
"I know." Sam chuckled.
Donna mocked an offended reaction by attempting to get off of Sam's lap. Sam smirked as he pulled Donna back to her old position. "Don't worry, it's an 11 hour plane ride in one of those pod chairs in first class. I'm sure I can convince you that flying isn't too bad." Sam said suggestively.
"Well what do you have in mind Mr. Carmichael?" Donna flirted back. Sam stood up carrying his wife. "Well I can show you."

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