5: No Escape

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Nathaniel Alexander Carmichael was Sam's eldest child. He was tall, fit and looked identical to his father. They had the same smile, the same built, the same walk, the same way of talking; they even had the same way with women. The only difference he had with his father was the way he styled his hair. Sam had always preferred his dark suave hair over any other hairstyle. A trait his former -almost- stepmother, Miranda Priestly, loved so much about his father. Other than that, they were basically the same person. James and Olivia would even sometimes annoy Nate by saying he looks too much like their dad that they can't tell the father and son apart anymore. Despite his siblings trying to bother him, he liked the way he looked. He liked being exactly like his father. Sam was Nate's hero. As a child, he called his dad Superman. Sam took care of him and his brother when his mom walked out. Then did the same when Miranda walked out on Olivia. It wasn't easy. Nate knew that. All the Carmichael kids knew that. There were times that Sam needed help but couldn't call anyone. Their father had made so much sacrifices for them over the years. The perfect example for this would have been Sam's own happiness. A few years back, Sam had planned a trip for himself to go to Greece. All Sam wanted to do was to take sometime off of work and go to the island he loved so much, but he couldn't go because Olivia's year end piano recital had been moved to the day in the middle of his trip. Olivia insisted that Sam should go to his trip, but Sam chose Olivia. They all knew that Sam needed to go to because Miranda would be too busy to come anyway. It will be heartbreaking for any child to think that neither of her parents cared enough to go, so Sam sacrificed his trip.

They so desperately wanted to help their single father in every way possible to show their gratitude, so when Sam got the invite from Sophie, they were the ones that bought the ticket; with their grandmother's credit card of course. They had always wanted the best for their father. They wanted Sam to be happy more than anything. Even if that meant that he would move to Greece, then they won't oppose. He had done too much for them. Plus it would be a good excuse to always travel to Europe.

Nate grabbed his keys off of the kitchen counter. "James!" He yelled.

"I'm coming!" James answered back. James, unlike his brother, didn't look as similar to Sam. Though, James did have Sam's built and his smile, but everything else came from his mother. However, people would still say he was like his father. They thought it was just to be polite, but in the recent years, they had found out that it's because of the way James acted. His maturity and humor is exactly like his father's. James David Carmichael was a talented football player. There have been many parties held in their home where Sam would just go on and on about James. He was proud of all of his kids, but everyone mostly asked about James' trophies. It was never personal. Nate and Olivia never felt like their dad loved them any less. They were all amazing at what they wanted to do. Nate is a fantastic artist, and he had multiple awards from his school for his painting and drawing skills. James is an amazing football player that universities are just dying to get, and he is a straight A student. Lastly, Olivia is a fantastic musician. She had started playing the piano at the age of 3. She studies at a performing arts school.

Sam was proud of all his children and made it a point to always be there for them especially at the highs and lows of their lives. This was why they needed to make sure everything would be perfect the minute Sam's wife, Donna, reaches New York City. The kids want to give a good impression to their Step Mother, but they also want Donna to get to know the real them. 

Once James reached the last step, Nate rolled his eyes. "What?" James barked.
"You are aware that we're going to meet Donna today. Right?" Nate asked in a annoyed manner.
"Really?" James sarcastically gasped. "Of course I know that!" He added.
"Well then, can you please just help me set this up? We need to go in 15 minutes. We're picking up Olivia then Dad, Okay?"
"Okay okay! My Goodness! You really are dad!" James teased. Nate just rolled his eyes.
Olivia called her brothers the night prior to ask them if they could clean up the house and make a banner for their Dad and their new mom. Nate, being the artist in the family, was in charge of the banner. James was in charge of balloons. Olivia, however, wasn't given a task. The boys believed that if they made their sister do something, Sam would be worried that his princess might have gotten hurt. Sam Carmichael has promised to love and protect his daughter for the rest of his life the day he found out that she was a girl. Sam always reminded his children that he didn't have favorites, but the boys always knew it was Olivia. They were all loved the same and Sam treated them all equally. Although, you kind of just know. Olivia and Sam's relationship was beyond perfect. Almost like the father and daughter duo seemed to be out of a movie. Sam was the perfect dad. He takes Olivia shopping and actually weighs in on what she wants to buy; not like the other dads that just hand their kids the credit card then find a nice place to sit. Sam even used to play dress up with Olivia when she was little. Sam wore tiaras and was once covered in butterfly clips and glitter.

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