Masquerade and Danger

Start from the beginning

"It seems risky and what about Elena? Don't you think she should know about this?"

"The moment my sister learned it was Katherine who compelled Jenna to harm herself she gave up. She wanted nothing more than to roll over and let Katherine do whatever she wanted. She wanted to appease the bitch who has been tormenting us for her own selfish games."

"But what if her way is right? What if doing what Katherine wants is the way we can all live?"

"And how can we trust what Katherine wants doesn't already involve us all dying. We can't sit back and let this bitch rule our lives because we're unsure of what she's going to do. She's one person who yes has years of planning on us, but we can't let her torment us just for the fun of it."
"Too many people could get hurt Sofia. We can't protect them all."

"I know Katherine." Stefan jumps into our conversation. "She knows that I'm not going to try something in a crowd full of innocent people. So, that gives me an edge. I can catch her by surprise." Bonnie turns to me with a slight glimpse of hope in her eyes.

"We could trap her with a spell."

"We?" I ask. "We haven't even practiced? Are you sure you even want me messing with..."

"Sofia, you're a natural. You can do perform most of the magic I've learned without even thinking. You're strong. I can guide you through the whole thing and it's just like the Tomb Spell." My heart sank thinking about Sheila and the failed tomb spell.

"You think I can help?"

"I know you can and what a better way of learning than jumping right in."

"We can isolate her away from the others." Stefan is sure this will work and I feel finally like I'm able to do something more than lose control. Bonnie believes in me and she was taught by Sheila. I can finally help save people and not just let them die in front of me.

"Hey." Damon comes over and I still find myself getting these butterflies in my stomach when he comes near me.

"Hey, Bonnie is on board now."

"Did I just hear something about you helping her trap Katherine?" He seems concerned and I've rarely seen this from him.

"Yeah, she needs some extra power to trap her in and I can be there to help. Plus, I need to learn how to control my abilities. Why do you not want me to be involved? You didn't have an issue with it earlier?"

"I'm happy to have your help, but I can't help but worry about you." Damon takes my hands and rubs circles on them. "Katherine is unpredictable and I don't want you caught in the crossfires."

"I have to do this Damon. My family was hurt because of her and she must be stopped. If I'm able to help I need to be there." Damon leans down and kisses me and I swear everyone is now looking at us. I don't care this is what they mean you need to cherish the moments you have because you never know when you'll never get to say I love you to the ones that matter most to you. You must take every chance you can get to show share that love.

"You sure you guys don't want me there tonight?" Alaric seems worried that we can't handle this situation. He may be right but we also need to know that Elena and Jenna are protected.

"No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don't want her to know about this." Stefan states.

"Okay, I'll make sure she doesn't leave my sight."

"And I've already texted her telling her that I'm hanging out with Bonnie practicing magic. She knows not to bother us since we need full concentration." I remind him in case he is faced with Elena questioning him.

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