Yousen No.13

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Chapter 0 - Prologue


Looking at the stars littering the night sky above, I took a deep and exhaled, watching it turn to mist before dissipating. The final match was done, pulling the Winter Cup to a close. I sighed deeply, wondering how things will turn out from here on.

"Penny for your thoughts?" A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned and saw him. I smiled a little.

"Just thinking about things." I answered. He joined me in watching the stars, standing close to me.

"Mind sharing?" He asked after a while. I looked at him from the corner of my eyes.

"Nothing too complicated. I was just wondering what would happen after tonight." I said. He made a face at that,

"That's complicated stuff. But..." He looked back at the court where the two main actors had their final show. He silently watched as the spectators leave on after the other,

"You know, Seirin's already on the right path for them. Our teams still gotta reflect and get ourselves straight." He said, laughing a little. Though his laugh held a slight bitter edge to it, I could tell he was also grateful. I understand what he's saying, after all. Even if Yousen... We lost to them, I'm grateful for them.

"No one really knows if they're on the right path or not. You should find out for yourself." I said, turning to him. He smiled a little,

"I guess you're right... Can I ask you something?" I nodded my confirmation. He scratched the back of his neck. Why... Is he hesitating...?

"Er... Since all of this is over... Um, can I... Like, start to court you...?" Oh. I see. His voice trailed off, looking somewhere else as his face turned a little red. I can't help but laugh under my breath. Aw~ He's so cute~!

"Eh~? I don't know... You should ask my brother for permission~" I said in a teasing voice, lacing my fingers behind my head as I walked away, grinning.

"Aw, come on!" He wailed. I flat out laughed at that.

'I get the feeling that everything will be okay.'


okay, english muna toh, kung sino man ang nagabasa, lol. ito yung gusto ko sanang i-translate, pero.... :/ yeah, di ko carry. 

NOTICED: Mahabo toh!!!! xD

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