Chapter 23. Finally.

Start from the beginning

It hit the tree but on the handle side.

"That's better! You need more power for it to land on the blade." Javier suggested.

He walks over and collects all the knives, minus one he couldn't find cause I threw it too hard.


He walks back and hands me a blade.

He stood off to the side and reminded me about how I should position my fingers again.

I throw it and it landed it the tree for a few seconds before falling to the ground.

"I did it!" I smile and throw my arms around Javier for about a second then back off.

"Sorry I-I got a bit excited." I smile.

"Understandable. Good thing you got the hang of it. Just a little more power and some practice, you'll turn out real good." Javier pats my shoulder.

I smile and continue throwing the knives for about ten minutes.

Getting a bit bored, I decide to go out for a ride.


I ride Ace along the hill and mountains.
Take in the fresh air of the noon's air.

I remember how I used to be terrified of riding by myself. Scared of rapists, murderers, and savages.
But now... all I'm scared of is the first one.

Not even scared just aware.

(That should be a motto)

I take my time. Looking at the scene.

Then a thought pops into my head...

How did I get here?

How did I get myself involved with this gang?

It never really occurred to me then because I was half scared out of my mind.


If I could go back to where I was...

Turning Ace around I rush him into a gallop. I remember men around me and a woman. All laughing at me and pouring beer on me. But that was all I remember before I just blacked out. They killed my horse as well.

Thirty minutes later I find it.

A skeleton of a horse with a saddle on it. Broken beer bottles. And...

I get off Ace and reach down to touch the soft fabric on the ground.

Mama's dress.
I pick it up, dust it off, and hold it close. There's a faint smell of her perfume but just very very faint.

the dress was a light blue, had short sleeves and a beautiful lace around the neck.

I wish I could find the necklace Mama gave me. It's probably lost in the dirt or some asshole from that gang took it.

Getting on my knees I began to look for the necklace. I remember how it looked: it was round but flat on one side, had a glass dome... And inside was a map. A map of our home.

I felt an excited jolt in my stomach. If I can find this damn necklace I can find my home and maybe find Papa.

"The necklace has no damn value, currency wise." I hiss, getting desperate to find this jewelry.

"Maybe... lets see." I go to my deads horse saddle bag and reach in it.

I pull out something shiny and smile. It was a toy that was originally for my brother.

Arthur Morgan X OC | Red Dead Redemption 2. Where stories live. Discover now