Chapter 1

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Joe's P.O.V

"Caspar!" I shouted as I stood exasperated next to the front door of our apartment, we were already running really late and Caspar was not making things any easier. We were meant to be going for a photo-shoot with Jim and Tanya and it was important we were on time.

"Caspar we need to leave now!" I called again. Thankfully just at that moment Caspar stumbled into the hallway simultaneously pulling on a T-shirt and trying to do the laces on his left shoe. Failing miserably at both tasks he fell face first on the floor. I couldn't help but begin to chuckle.

"Come on Casp" I laughed when he had finally sorted himself out.

"Stop laughing at me" he said trying to sound angry, before his face fell into a grin. This is why we were best friends. We could never get really angry at each other and we just kind of clicked from the off. I mean we both like food and FIFA. What more could you want in a best friend? So we both knew it was only a matter of time before we moved in together.

The photo-shoot was fairly uneventful and was actually quite enjoyable and I had a great laugh and catchup with Jim and Tanya afterwards. I often wondered when they were getting married. They had been engaged for over a year now and I know both of them were really keen to but I guess they just never got around to it. These thoughts followed me the whole taxi ride home. Caspar had decided to go out with some friends and I hadn't really felt like it, so I entered the apartment alone.

I decided as I had nothing better to do I'd film a new video. I loved filming videos and I got so excited about them. Sure it could get hard to find the time when things got busy in my life, but I loved being able to have the time to really take everything in and enjoy my work and put effort into it. Though in truth I did find the editing slightly tedious sometimes, but Caspar loved it, so I never complained when he offered to edit for me. I decided a new gaming video would be fun so played 'Outlast' which had been requested so many times. It was a lot scarier than I thought and kind of creeped me out but it was a good laugh and really lightened my mood.

Once I had finished filming I decided to make dinner. Cooking was another passion of mine but most people didn't know, or rather I decided not to tell them. It was kind of my thing you know. Caspar however loved that I could always make the food, not that he hated cooking it's just whatever he produced wasn't necessarily edible.

I wasn't expecting Caspar home till late as he was quite a party animal so was rather surprised when I heard someone unlock the door and slump into the apartment.

"Caspar?" I called from the living room getting up from the sofa.

"Caspar is that you?" I repeated as I walked down the hallway. Sure enough slumped against the wall of our doorway was Caspar clearly very intoxicated.

"I peaked to early Joe" he slurred. I could tell as it was barely 10:30 and Caspar looked like he was going to pass out. I could smell the alcohol on him from here.

"Alright mate, let's get you to bed" I said grabbing Caspar and pulling him to his feet. Putting his arm round my shoulder and my arm around his waist I half dragged, half carried Caspar to his room. By now I knew Caspar had no idea what was going on and I wondered just how much he had drunk.

I carefully dropped Caspar onto his bed. I took his shoes and socks off and let them drop onto the floor. I moved Caspar's head to his pillow and pulled the covers out from underneath him before covering his body with the duvet. By this point Caspar had drifted into a deep sleep.

"Night Casp" I chuckled to myself as I closed the door quietly.

I then went to my own room, stripped into my boxers before falling asleep, smiling to myself thinking of how hungover Caspar would be tomorrow morning.

Feedback would be appreciated :)

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