As a god, I had rivaled Ares for brawn and Hades for height. Now, Lucifer positively dwarfed me. Call it what you will, ego, still rankled.

I had never thought of myself as a vain god, but perhaps I had been proven wrong.

Ammi had put up a good fight. She was certainly much improved now that Fenrir had helped her become more connected with her "feral" side. When she fought now on two legs, she fought with the ferocity and instincts of a predator. And when she fought on four legs...

Her red wolf may be the cutest damn thing, but telling her that was an easy way to get a chunk taken out of your ass. Her wolf was lightning fast, and her infamous temper was even less controlled on four paws. Sparring with her was a challenge I welcomed, despite the fact that if Lucifer were to find out, he would obliterate me.

It was worth it. I needed the release of a fight now and again. Recently, I had needed that release more and more frequently. I tried to ignore the animalistic instincts rising within me due to this damned form, but it was nigh on impossible. I had once prided myself on my iron-like grasp on control, unruffled and untouchable. I had been the ice king, reaper of souls and wielder of death. Now I was a weakling daemon who couldn't keep his claws under control. I hadn't been thrown into a rage like this since I'd been a brash young god.

Oh, and if only it had been just the anger.

I growled low in my throat and slammed a palm against the water-slick tiles, trying and failing to ignore the rock-hard monster between my thighs. It throbbed, red and angry and demanding my attention. Lately, my body had been feeling less like my own and more like that of a rutting, raving animal.

Unable to resist, I wrapped my fist around my dick, and choking up on it with a growl and jerking it roughly, almost abusively in my anger, until my seed splashed against the tile. I released a shameless, tortured groan, leaning my forehead against the wall before I jerkily finished showering the sweat from my unnaturally gray skin.

I wished I had provided myself any relief. It seemed my fists were incapable of easing this particular ache.

Wrapping a red towel around my waist, I stepped from the bathroom, tossing my damp silver hair from my forehead and allowing my eyes to trail over the many weapons that decorated my walls. They were beautiful, wicked, lethal. Some of the best quality and craft of swords, maces, tridents and even, to my dismay, scythes that one could possibly procure.

They meant nothing to me.

"An impressive collection."

I froze, my fists clenching, my claws piercing my palms and the golden blood of a god, one part of me that God could not change, dripping onto the hardwood floor. In my surprise, webbed wings sprung from my back and a thick, muscular tail sprouted from my spine, dislodging the towel. I didn't give a shit. God had made me like this; a broken, ugly beast. He could damned well deal with it.

"God. Or do you go by Charles now?"

A deep chuckle. "Amirykal certainly has her quirks, but my son doesn't appear to mind."

"Yes," I snarled, unable to help the bitter edge to my voice, "to many you are quite the benevolent god."

"To those who serve me well, I do my best." The asshole almost seemed amused. "I include you in that category, you know."

"You certainly have a funny way of showing it, you bastard."

"A bastard, am I? I suppose I understand your point of view. I imagine I would not take to your situation well."

"I am an abomination. You have made me this. Every day I become less and less a male, and more and more beastly."

I swear, I could feel God grin. "Some women like that in their partners."

"Drop. Dead."

"Ah, but then you will never find the woman to take the edge from your beast and restore your godhood."

I stilled, indiscernible from the marble statues of my homeland.


"A very special female. Your mate."

I whirled, caring little for my nakedness, "Is this some cruel joke, God? I assure you, I don't find it fucking funny."

"I do not jest, Thanatos. Or Marcus, is it now?"

I stared into those haunting silver eyes, unintimidated. "Thanatos is dead. You killed him all those years ago."

His handsome face broke into a wide smile. "I doubt it, but if you insist, Marcus. To your question, I promise I do not jest. I am not so cruel."

"I beg to differ," I spat, baring my vicious fangs. "No female will want me like this, God. To give me my perfect match while I am still the twisted creature you created so many centuries ago is the epitome of cruelty."

God's dark brows crash downward, his affably amused expression evaporating. "Do not forget that you came to kill me, Greek. I acted out of self-preservation. Though I knew you were coming, you are not one to be ignored, lest I lose my soul. And I needed a reaper for my pantheon."

"I had no choice!" I snapped, my right-hand flexing unconsciously, hoping against hope that my scythe would appear at my call as it did those thousands of years ago. "My friends needed me."

"Ah, Hades and Athena, was it?"

"And Hephaestus." I narrowed my eyes at his ignorance. The burly blacksmith had been discounted too many times for me to allow it, even now. Hephaestus was a close friend, despite how long it had been since we set eyes on one another.

"Of course." God grinned connivingly, once again in good spirits. "I have plans in the works for them, never fear, though Athena is quite capable of handling her own fate."

"And what of the...of my mate?" I asked, trying to get the fucker back on track.

"You will meet her soon," God promised, a gleam in his eye as he spoke. "I think you will enjoy her very much, if my past observations of your...habits are correct."

I growled, "You're a meddling psychopath."

"I prefer 'intrusive matchmaker'."

I snarled at him, and he grinned wider.

"I will be watching you with interest, Thanatos."

And then he disappeared.


Oh my lord first chapter DONE!

What did y'all think?

Seems Charles is continuing with his conniving ways, and managing to be a grade-a asshole while he's at it. I swear, he's only nice to Ammi.

Were y'all happy to see her in this chapter? I could never let her go so easily!

What is it like being in Marcus' head? Thoughts? He certainly hides a lot behind the jokes and the attitude, huh?

What do you think his mystery mate will be like?

Alright, alright, I'll leave you alone :))

Love y'all, and see you next time!


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