Red, Orange, Yellow

876 53 0

The young boy sits at the dining table, quietly eating his cereal.

His mom has not arrived yet, worrying the poor heart.

He worries for him mom after his dad passed away when he was two.

The door slowly opens, revealing his mother.

She was not in the best state, looking like she just got out of bed.

"Mom," the boy asks, "why are you home so late?"

The mother walks in slowly, trying to keep her posture.


The mother stops, her hair covering her eyes.

"Are you okay?"

She then lets out a sigh and falls down sobbing.


A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! I was thinking of changing the plot of bit but I was just going to think how the book does ^_^.


[Kim Jinsoo]

Mrs. Lee stands in front of the class, posture as a soldier. "Today class we are going to be working with oil paints. With oil paints, they will release fumes and take time to dry. That is why we are going to be working on this project for the rest of the week. I suggest coming up with a plan now before starting your final project."

I sigh, seems easy enough.

"And also," she adds, "you will be working with your table mate. This project will allow you to see the inner artist with one another, presenting your mind and thoughts on to a blank canvas."

With those words I felt my face drain of color. 'My table m-mate?' I look over to Sangwoo who seems to be perfectly calm about this situation. Why wouldn't he be, he's not the one freaking out.

"You may begin."

The class started talking with their partners while I sat still. Then I felt a poke on my side which caused me to flinch.

"What are we doing?"

I look up to face those deep eyes, "I-I don't's a two person project." He hums and stares at me, "I know it's a two person project. I'm asking what to do. She said to 'show your inner artist' and I don't know what I have in me. Honestly I don't know why I joined this class."

I stare at him in disbelief. "There are many reasons to be in art class." He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow. "I-I can't list them all b-but I believe you have some creativity in you!" I said giving a smile. He chuckles lowly, "you're funny."

It took me a bit to realize what he just stated. Then I blushed, "s-stop that."

He shrugs it off and goes to grab a blank canvas. "Mrs. Lee said to come up with a plan. What do you think we should do?" He places the canvas on the easel. I stare at the empty canvas in deep thought. "I don't know really, just trying to think up something." I said shortly.

Sangwoo rolls his eyes, "that doesn't help."

"Just let me think...." I think again, letting my mind flow. "Umm hello?" Sangwoo said next to me. Then it clicked. "I know what to do!"

Sangwoo looks at me weirdly, "you do? What is it?"

I blush a bit, "it may be very cheesy but I really like the theme of it." I bend over to get a piece of notebook paper. "My plan is to create a painting dedicated to how letting life take a path."

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