Chapter 3

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"That's all you can say?"

"I-I'm sorry. --- Hey, Zack? How've you been? --- Better?" I said back sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Much better." he said, smiling as he walked over to me and hugged me in the pouring rain.

"You know, when Austin told us that there'd be another band joining the tour, I never thought of your band." he confessed.

I smiled. "Gotta prepare for a comeback tour somehow, right?"

"Right." he confirmed.

"So, how are the other three?" I casually asked.

"I like how you pretend to care about Rian." he laughed.

I frowned. "I really do care about Rian! ATL wouldn't be the same without him!" I exclaimed.

He put his hands up in surrender.

"Well... they're good! You know we just released Don't Panic: It's Longer Now and we're all very excited." he said.

"That's good. I've heard from other band members that the lyrics are deep, where did the inspiration come from?" I asked.

He laughed awkwardly. "Um... I really should head back to my bus now. But it was great seeing you again." he said, backing away slowly.

"Yeah... okay?" I questioned. "And do me a favor? Don't tell the others that it's my band that joined this tour?"

He nodded before rushing away.


"What do you mean we have to meet the other band!?" I exclaimed, pacing back and forth on the bus.

"Of Mice & Men's manager said it was mandatory since we're the 'new' band." Matt explained, following me with his eyes.

"I-- I don't wanna go. Tell them I'm sick." I stuttered.

"Iris, you know that won't work." Joel murmured.

"You're right, Zack already saw me." I stated, shrugging.

"What? And you didn't tell us?! When? What'd he do, say?" Toby frantically asked me.

"I bumped into him when I was out dancing in the rain. He didn't say much, just asked how I was then he left. But I did tell him not to tell the others." I said.

"Zack always was a cool dude." Toby added, calming his voice down from freaked out to nice guy.

I nodded.

"Back on topic, though, you have to go." Joel interrupted.

"Please don't make me." I pleaded.

"What are you so worried about?" Matt asked.

"Have you guys forgotten that I have a son now!? And Alex or Jack may be the father!? Then there's Austin who loves me and I just don't want to hurt anyone." I said, raising my voice.

"So what if you have a son now? If those two assholes didn't want to be a part of his life from the start, what'll change their minds now?" Joel mumbled.

I sighed.

They still didn't know that Jack and Alex had no idea about my pregnancy.

"Okay... I'll go. But I need someone to take care of Jd, he's asleep in the bunk."

"I'm sure Austin will be more than happy to do that. Apparently his band doesn't have to go to that meet." Matt informed me.

I rolled my eyes, then nodded.

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