Chapter 18

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I watched Alex closely for a while, as if trying to figure out if he was truly there. Nobody moved, nobody spoke, no one even dared to breathe in fear that everything might end right then and there.

"Alex?" the words left Jack's mouth so slowly and fearfully that I didn't dare look up at him.

"Zack told me you were leaving... he didn't mention Jack was coming along." Alex said, with absolutely no emotion.

"I had to sneak out of the hospital to come and see Jd. What ever happened to a proper goodbye?"

"Alex..." I looked at the ground as I tried to speak. I had only seen Alex act this way once before... back at Warped. It was his defense mechanism, showing no emotions in fear of making himself seem weak.

"I-- I didn't know either of you were coming?"

Alex looked up at Jack and frowned. Jack looked down and awkwardly bit his lip. I looked between them as neither one said anything.

"Mom, can I show them my room?" Jd suddenly interrupted, a big smile on his face.

I shrugged. "I don't think they..."

"I'd loved to." Both Jack and Alex said at the same time, interrupting me, and I had to hold back the urge to roll my eyes.

Jd giggled and held his hands up to hold Jack's hand and Alex's while he was placed in the middle.

As they walked away, into the hallway, I couldn't help but ask myself:
Who was Jd's father?

I didn't really want an answer though, not a real one at least. I didn't exactly care to know how the father was. I was Jd's only parent and the only one he needed. Me. Not Alex. Not Jack.

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