Yandere male drider x reader

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This was the best picture I could find, the yandere will also have a humanoid form!~
   It's a simple tale 'Once Upon a Time, a girl was locked away in a castle, awaiting her knight to rescue her. A usual cliché, but our tale holds an even DARKER secret. You are a young and beautiful maiden named (y/n)(l/n), you have the purest heart in the land. You cared for all beings great and small.
    You had many friends because of your kindness as well. For that reason; you were popular all over the village. One day though, would change your life forever.

  It started out as a simple day, you were strolling the town in search of some ingredients to make a delicious batch of cookies for the children. You went to the egg stand to get these beautiful chicken eggs for your cookies. Did I mention you were amazing at cooking?
  You paid for your eggs when a messenger came running in, fear in his eyes as he shouts "THE DRIDER IS COMING!!! THE DRIDER IS COMING!!!!!" In that moment, the messenger looked down to see a metal arrow in his heart as he collasped. Behind him, was a dark man that looked like an elf .

  As he approached, everyone ran to hide, including you

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  As he approached, everyone ran to hide, including you. You've heard of him. The feared drider man; Matrox. He was a cursed entity and often caused suffering wherever he went.
  He also had a nickname, 'the Dark Spider Prince', because in his mountainous lair, he has an army of spiders at his every command. He could destroy whole cities with just his spiders if he wanted. As he was killing, he took his eyes to you....

Matrox's pov.

    I gave the people of this village one year. One year and they would die if they hadn't left. I then made my move. I didn't need my spider warriors for this task as I'm fully capable on my own. I'm feared enough as a drider let alone, a 'normal' man. I wasn't always like this though....

  My tribe saw me befriending a spider when I was a child, at first, no one minded, my kind always befriended weird creatures of nature. Then, things got creepy in their eyes, I made friends with more spiders, to the point where I had a whole group of them. It was said a boy could use these spiders to conrol the world...And said I was that cursed child...
   They ended up throwing my defenseless self away. I became hollow and angry...So much so, that I went to see a witch with my group. With her evil magic, she gave me the power to change from man to beast and also gave me magical powers.  I used my magic to grow my spiders into something bigger and more powerful. I destroyed my clan with them, giving my spiders plenty of food....I became that Prince....
  But back to the present, I saw...Her. A cute maiden that made my dark heart seem to melt...I felt it pulse against my chest. Looking at the fear in her eyes, I had to have her. Not yet, obviously, but soon. She will be mine. I walk away from the maiden and continued to kill any and all that got in my way until the rest were in hiding. Then made my way to my home to plan...Plan to capture my queen.

(Y/n) pov

   You were confused for sometime why the male hadn't killed you that day. You felt something unusual since as well. You would have nightmares. Some of being bound in a large web, and that man, now with the body of a spider, guarding you and saying sweet nothings to you. Others were about you being married to the man and serving as his Queen.
   Your days got stranger as well. You could feel eyes on you everywhere you went. Thankfully, not your house, everywhere else, yes. When you were nearly harmed by a drunk man one night, someone wearing a dark cloak had saved you, gave you a black rose, and left amongst the rooftops. You couldn't understand what was going on at all, but you would find out soon.

  On one night, you decided to go to the most barren place in your kingdom. The black forest. It is said to be black like this because of the Spider Prince's magic. Others say it is just the darkness alway laying in wake there. You went to see the night lights, special flowers that glowed in the night there. Only to be greeted by a spider, a spider large enough to kill 10 humans. You looked at it in shock, but saw the creature did not attack you....You took this chance to pet the creature....When he appears...

  The man you saw kill so many innocent people...the man the nessenger screamed about....Here he was...In his true form....

In his true form

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"Ah...I see my Queen finally arrived..." he said as he snapped his fingers, allowing 2 more spiders to use their silk to bind your hands and legs "WH-WHAT'S GOING ON?!" you shouted as they finished, allowing the drider to pick you up with ease, without your struggling. "Heheheh....I was so lonely for years....Now I have a prize worthy of my strength...." he said as he licked his lips eagerly and jumped with you and his small team, back to his lair.

  His mountain lair, surprisingly, had an old castle sitting on top. Deceased corspes of people he killed, now serve as maids, guards, and sometimes, extra food for his army. You were placed in the tower of the castle, and allowed to go out only when he or another spider was with you.

  Your worst nightmare was realized. You were forced to marry the drider or become another piece of food. You served him reluctantly despite the fact he spoiled you with jewelry and clothing. Many have tried to rescue you from your prison, but failed to do so, either dying and becoming food, or their corspes becoming guards for the castle. You still await the day, someone rescues you.

Until then you always hear "Do not worry my Queen....I will always love you, and protect you from the evil outside....."

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