Yandere Kitsune x Reader

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"Never trust a kitsune my children" A shogen Priest had said to the children who were reading the ancient texts of old Japan. It told of Kitsunes, men and women with nine tails that would often times, bring fortune or tricks in it's path.
  You were among these children. Being the curious one, you asked what kitsunes were like in the sense of a person. The priest explained that kitsunes were to never be trusted, while they are full of wisdom and power, they were also feared for the chance they bring misfortune to their name.

  A kitsune boy, Yukio, looked on at these teachings, and you in particular. "How dare he fill her head with lies? I will be an honorable man to my future mate" he thought as he used his magic to disappear to the home of his clan, he was the Alpha's son. He was tasked with finding a human to love early due to the war that would brew between the 2 peoples. He chose the child he wanted as his mate, and he would be ready to fight for her...

~~Many Years Later~~

  You have become a very well known seamstress in Sengoku, making some of the most beautiful kimonos in the land. You've made kimonos for the Shogun and their sons, you made clothes for the most famous aristocrats, and you even made ceremonial robes for the priests.

  And not only were you known for your clothes, you were one of the most beautiful girls in Sengoku. Men all over have asked for your hand, samurai had promised to honor you as they fight in the war against the kitsunes, even the Aristocrats begged for your hand in hopes of being your groom.

But, you refused them all. You felt you didn't need to marry higher, you liked where you were. Independent and making a name for yourself. It was because of your independence, men like these never gave on asking you to marry them.

  Unbeknownst to you, however, someone was watching you carefully as another man begged for your hand. A kitsune man with eyes of a topaz and hair the color of snow, perfectly matching his gorgeous nine tails....

~~Yukio's POV~~

  In the years that gone by, Yukio, the now Alpha of his clan, trained hard for 2 things; the pride of his clan, and of course, the child whom now grown up into the most beautiful girl in Sengoku, (Y/N). Because of the war that now finally broke after his father lured a female into his trap of death and turmoil, Yukio quietly stalked his mate, watching her from afar.

  He hated seeing men try to win his lover's hand. That hand was his to touch, that hand would have his ring on it. He'd make her his wife, his mate, his Omega. Thank the heavens this recent one was also rejected, or he'd have to kill him. He was good at restraining himself from killing the men who were asking for her, but he knew soon, he would kidnap her, he would make her his soon.

"Just wait, Omega...I will make you mine" he thought to himself before disappearing with his wonderful magic, back to his home to await the war.

~~The Day of the War~~

  The men were sent to fight off the kitsunes while some of the women were told to hide, others were samurai themselves and went to fight. You were among the hiding in a shelter. You were scared, but you knew the men would do great. You decided to take your mind off of everything, by making clothes for the girls in the shelter. All loved your work after all.

  After a long day of work, you decide to head out near the beach area, an area off limits due to Kitsunes being spotted there, but you felt there hadn't been any there for years.

Boy were you wrong...

    After awhile of looking at the stars, an all white Kitsune man approached you, his face in agony "excuse me Miss..?" He asked looking at you. He was wounded on one of his pretty white tails, an arrow had gone through it, soaking it in red blood.
  You looked at the man with sympathy in your heart. Kitsune or not, you felt sorry for him and proceded to help him. "There" you said smiling as you finished helping with the wound.

  "Thank you Fair Maiden" he said with a bow as he looked at you with a glance "say...What is your name?" The man asked her


~~Yukio's pov~~

He stood, stunned, the kind lady that had helped him, was his mate?! That was a bit surprising as she was more beautiful up close. Soon, he devised a quick plan to bait her "I thought you were told never to help my kind, why help me? I could kill you in one slice of my katana"

"Well...You seemed nice, you didn't attack me, you came for aid, so I provided" (y/n) said in tone of confidence. Which made him see how beautiful she was in the heart. "Well...How would you like to see beyond this place?" He asked her which gave her a confused look.

"Marry me is what I'm asking" he said as he looked at her, his eyes glowing a bright white, a mind control spell. She soon smiled at him, at first, she was going to refuse him, but you had a change of heart that instant "of course! I'll love to be your wife!" She said as some men arrived. Katanas pointed at Yukio.

"RELEASE HER!" they screamed, earning me a smirk. "Ah...these men after my new bride? Tch...Showoffs, I'll show you why my kind have been abused by your pride." He said, his maiden love watching with fear in her eyes as he transformed into a nine-tail fox and started to maul the men. When he was done, he went back to human.

"My omega, run with me" he said and she obeyed, running away and leaving the mauled bodies on the shore for someone to find.

~~In the Clan of Kitsunes~~

  You were still under Yukio's control, but your body married him and became his Omega/wife. You and him are having the best lives and even have a child together, a daughter named Yasuhira. The Alpha does his best to protect you and his daughter, even if it means killing humans to do so

"Rest well, Omega...You will wake up knowing you are protected by me..."

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