Yandere King x Reader FINALE!!!!

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Oh my god...Aside from a werewolf, this was BY FAR the most requested thing. Wow....Well! I must oblige, here is the finale you all!!!!!!~

  Previously; "Assemble my finest men maid...Have Reynolds watch the palace. Make sure no one leaves for suspicion of Kidnapping the Queen...!"
He said, listing the things to do for the maid and she left. He picked up the necklace and clenched his fist again, feeling the same ache he had when (y/n) lost her clip....But this time...

He will get her back......

  You awoke in a basement of sorts, having passed out from the attack on your person. You got up and slowly walked to the door of your prison when a guard of sorts came in. "Ah you are awake, that's good" he said and bowed. "Queen (Y/N), my Prince has captured you, I apologize for the rough meeting" he said, being gentle with you.
    It seemed to of confused you, why was the guard of your captor BEING NICE?! As far as you knew, from your books as a kid, if the captor was as rude as he was, the others should of followed suit. You guessed books weren't ALWAYS right. Anyway, you looked at him and spoke "Why...am I here?"

"Well...You see" he tried to explain when another man came in

You see" he tried to explain when another man came in

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

  He was a tall man dressed in black. So dark, he almost blended into the room itself, like a shadow. If there wasn't an open door, you would of never seen his face. He gave you a calm and charming smile that seemed to sap away all the anger you had at him for kidnapping you from your husband.

  "Milady, I apologize for the...Rough meeting" he said and chuckled sweetly to you. You just stared at him still a bit uneasy. "Ah...I see you do not like this room. Come, I have a new room prepared for you." He said taking your arm in his and walking you to your new room.
   On the way, you learn you are in the neighboring kingdom, and he captured you originally for a ransom, but now, he wanted you as a guest without your husband knowing you were here. Kinda an odd reason to you, but it's a reason nonetheless. He soon situated you in a room and smiled "I will come get you when lunch is ready, in the meantime, relax" he said and left.

~~??? POV~~

    I am Edom Dalianous V. Younger Brother of Altria Dalianous IV, I am the ruler of this fine palace. There was a deeper reason than I had captured the Queen....I had to keep her safe from my brother's wrath...He is a tyrant compared to me. I do not know if the Lady noticed it yet, or even realized the very nature of my brother, but I swear to protect her from it.
   I met her at my brother's ball, all alone, wearing a simple dress...I knew she wasn't royalty yes, but who was I to judge my older brother's tastes in women. As they danced and partied, I realized I too, wanted this girl. I sent those fakes, hoping that he'd forget her, but he executed each and every one of them. How shameful to execute a girl.
  Anyways, I needed to get her away from him. It was for her safety and so many others. I was trained to be an assassin from a young age, so if there need to be, I can kill in the shadows, hence why I wear dark colors, habits I suppose. I sit in my throne, awaiting my big brother, when I see him........
   Blood covered his armor, must of went on a killing spree as usual "WHERE. IS. MY. WIFE" he said in an angry tone. It didn't phase me, I was used to abuse since our parents did in favor of their Altria. How amusing. "Why ask me? Not like I'd want that" I joked, remaining calm as he took out his bloodied blade "YOU BASTARD. GIVE ME MY WIFE!" he screamed again. Like he was a threat? How cute.

   I just looked at him when the Queen walked in....Color faded from her face upon looking at my brother "A-Altria.....Why....Are you covered in b-blood...." she asked him causing Altria to walk over to the now trembling Queen. I'll let him explain himself......But then....I'll kill him.

~~Altrias pov~~

   I rode miles and miles just to be with my Queen again. I felt empty and pained without her. Yet....I had to kill...They were in my way and no one butt heads with a royal like me. My beloved backed away from me "Look I...I know this is a horrible sight to see....But...I..." the words couldn't come out as I tried to hold her.
   But she pushed me away....Why...."Altria. Why is there blood on you?!" She asked again. I looked at her square in the face "I...I killed for you....I wanted you back by any means. I know it was wrong, but it's necessary....Please let's go home..." I said gently to her.

  My wife looked conflicted as she looked to me then to the dark stranger. She then smiled "yes....Let's go" she said and reached out to me...But was stopped by him "I wouldn't.....He killed many of my own to get to you....Doesn't that strike you as odd?" The dark one said looking at me.
  He wasn't wrong, if he is Prince of this land, then I did, but it was to get my Queen. Nothing else mattered. Just (Y/N) did. She then looked slightly afraid....Of me...

~~Edom pov~~

    I could sense the fear in the room. I knew how she was feeling at that moment. Her heart was telling her to stay back. Sh would make her choice....

~~Your POV~~

   "I....I'm sorry but...I....Can't love a killer..." you said to Altria as you went back. He started to scream out your name as you, with tears in your eyes, left the room. In the next few moments would be the worst of your life....

   You watched as he was dragged away until you heard the removal of a blade and the sounds of struggling....When you looked back, you saw everyone, even Edom....Dead and bloodied....Altria walked up to you with a horrible glint in his eye "You try to escape me again....."

"I will kill you...My beautiful Queen...."

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