Yandere Vampire Duke x reader

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This one was fully inspired by an rp I did with a vampire. I hope you enjoy!~

For the owner of the character (you know who you are): I know that this is not the character in the rp, I wanted to use something similar in stature.
   It was a week before Halloween, you, your sister from another mother, Allyson and your step-brother,  Brandon, were all helping to to make decorations for the annual Halloween Ball at the Nosgata Mansion in the Regia Forest.
   You all were hired by the Duke's daughter, Rowena, to decorate their mansion for the party. Since you all never had an honor like this, you all IMMEDIATELY accepted this mind blowing offer. How often do you get this kinda favor, from the Blueblood?!

  You were the decoration leader, Allyson, your critique and fellow decorator, and Brandon, well, he was your assistant. You all had jobs to do this ball. "This will be fun!" Allyson started as she helped make the floral chains that would go on the archways on some of the halls. "I know!" You exclaimed excitedly, receiving a nod from Brandon.

  Brandon, was never really fond of Halloween. He liked the idea of it, but never fully enjoyed it. In some cases, you thought of him as a party pooper. "You know, it was nice of Duke Arkain, to let us use the mansion for the ball, and invite us too!" You said looking to Allyson, who was gushing at the idea of meeting Duke Arkain, he was supposedly, the most handsome man in the kingdom of Fenimore and was quite a lady killer.

  Brandon, never really trusted him, you never seen him though, only heard of him. It was said he was once a human raised by blacksmiths that were killed in a war with the vampires of the North and used him as an experiment which turned him into a Blood Reaver, a vampire that feasts on blood, but can't change someone due to a bite, only through copulation(look it up, pervs...).

  But enough about that, you were to focus on the duty at hand, making these decorations! You soon finish the first archway chain with Allyson which was a beautiful array of orange, yellow, white, and black flowers. "This looks gorgeous!" You say to Allyson and Brandon, who both agreed. "Alright, 6 more to go!"

~~Time skip~~

   It was the morning of Halloween, the archways were hung, the floor decorated with orange and black petals lining the floors and hall leading to the ballroom, delicate and dainty threads were thrown about to look like webs from spiders and the garden was decked out with lovely pumpkins and candles, your team all stood proudly at the displays.

   "Wow! The designs are amazing, it's almost like wandering through a beautiful haunted house, my father will love it" Rowena said as she walked up to you 3, a smile on her lovely face.
(Pretend she's smiling)

You smiled with your team, seeing as this, was a job well done

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You smiled with your team, seeing as this, was a job well done. You recieved your payment from Rowena and left to get ready, knowing you 3 are invited as part of the VIP.

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