Chapter 3: Fun - Raisers

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(And we're back with Lyra's POV. Enjoy!)

*2 days after the confrontation* 

"Boom Boom baby you make me go crazy... something something and something.. uh nuh,  heart beats like a druuumm!!" I was singing poorly and dancing around the kitchen while making myself some eggs. After all I needed a good breakfast to get me in the right mood to impress people. Looking for work was not easy, but I had a plan!

What was my plan? Well I had a few options. There were restaurants, bars, cafes even. Hell I'd work at the little 7 eleven a few blocks over if I needed. After my meal and a nice hot shower I got dressed in some nice black slacks and a baby blue button down blouse. Granted my black hoodie killed the  Hey I'm totally professional look but it was windy and I wasn't going out without it. I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my keys and left the apartment.

6 applications, 3 interviews later - I was walking around just scanning stores for those now hiring signs. I stopped outside what looked like one of those really old historic buildings. It wasn't super tall, but it had that old fashion classical look to it. It stood out from the really tall more modern looking buildings around it. I just stared at it and a huge truck pulled up the the sidewalk behind me. I turned around and watched as some men in all light grey jumpsuits got out and started unloading some things from the truck.

"Excuse me Miss." One of them said as I moved to the side and watched them carry big boxes into the building. I noticed a sign on the doors and walked up the steps to get a better look.

-Looking for part time volunteers - will be paid apply within-

I tilted my head and shrugged to myself, I mean why wouldn't I apply? It's paid right? So I pulled open the doors and looked around the front lobby area. It was stone and marble, quite pretty. I noticed a huge sign -Healing Wings- above the entry. I looked around a bit more and finally noticed an older woman looking at me. She smiled at me and approached me speaking warmly.

"Hello dear, welcome to healing wings. Do have something to donate or interested in sponsoring a child?" She smiled so brightly, it was kind of infectious. I found myself smiling back.

"No thanks, actually I was just passing by and noticed the hiring sign? Well paid volunteer work. What exactly does the job require?" I sounded more cheery than my actual mood, but I think it's just the warmth this woman had that was affecting me in such a way. She laughed a bit and smiled again.

"Ah yes, haha. Well are you good at organizing? Counting? And have you any filing experience?"

"Actually yes. I happen to have my resume with me actually if you'd like to look?" I smiled and handed the woman one of my printed resumes that had photocopied earlier that morning. She took it and quickly looked through it. Smiling even brighter as she looked back at me.

"This is lovely dear. When would you be able to start?"

"Honestly, right now if you needed me to." I chuckled and smiled at her. She laughed and nodded a few times.

"Actually that would work. As you can see.." She placed her hand on my shoulder and turned me around to look back at the men I saw earlier moving more boxes inside.

"We're preparing for an event that will take place here in just a few days. Some of our supplies came in a bit late unfortunately. I need help sorting and taking inventory of everything. There will also be some set-up work involved too. Just setting up the table and chairs for our guests and such." She walked with me to the double doors all the men were going through. It was like a giant ball room, with pretty pillars and there were lights being hung up by I assumed other volunteers. 

The Violinist (A BTS- Yoongi/Suga ff) ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ