Chapter 1: The Dream

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(Just a little Author's note : This series will be sort of long, each chapter's length will be different I think. Also a warning, this story will contain sensitive subjects like suicide, violence, smut, adult language, and other adult themes. So fair warning, this is 18-21+ in all honesty. Read at your own risk. Also, feedback is greatly appreciated.)

It was dark, dark and silent

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It was dark, dark and silent. Not the scary kind, but the exhilarating kind. A lone spotlight shun down on a simple Wooden violin. I felt it then, my heart. It beat hard and fast as I slowly stepped closer to the instrument. Reaching out for the neck I gently grasped it and lifted it into the light more. It was beautiful... beautiful and black. It shimmered in the light and my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest and sink into this beautiful instrument....

*Bzzzzt Bzzztt*

I was jolted from the dream by the most annoying sound in the world.... My alarm. Rubbing my eyes I shifted on the bed and sluggishly crawled to edge and sat there. I grabbed my phone and checked the time once my eyes adjusted.

"Ugh, 7:30..."

Just then I heard the all to familiar meowing sound. In seconds the fuzzy ball from hell known as Mr Kittyscrumpkinz leaped onto the bed and made his way to my lap. His tail flapping carelessly from side to side while he proceeded to kneed his claws into my pajama pants. I gritted my teeth and tried not to just throw this demon out the window. Now I know it might seem like I'm being harsh to a cat, but no. Mr Kittyscrumpkinz was no typical cat. Cats are independent, love to sleep, and sometimes like cuddles. Not this cat, no this cat liked scratching for no reason, meowing at all hours of the night. Hopping onto the fridge and knocking everything down. Hell I even caught this cat inside a newly opened bag of chips. This is a demon cat.

"Okay okay okay.... I get it, you want food. If you stop I can get it for you and no one else needs to get hurt. Deal?"

I looked at this fluffy huge gray and white beast and I swear for a second he nodded in agreement to my words before hopping down off my lap onto the floor.

"Thank you. Be good like this and I might go buy you treats."

I forced myself up and walked out of the makeshift bedroom to the tiny kitchen area of my Aunt's loft apartment. Why was I here? It was something I asked myself daily for the past two weeks. I remembered the random phone call from my Aunt.

*flashback two weeks ago*

It was 1:15Am in Boston, Massachusetts. I was sleeping comfortably in my apartment. My shared apartment. I answered it seeing my Aunt Su's number.

"Aunty?... why? who died?"

I muttered sleepily trying to prepare myself for the bad news she was undoubtedly going to throw at me.

"What? Ra-ra no. No one is dead, what's wrong with you, you shouldn't say things like that!" My Aunt sounded hurt and a part of me knew she believed you should never wish for something bad to happen because it was an omen that something bad will indeed happen. She also hated all black cats because they bring bad luck.

The Violinist (A BTS- Yoongi/Suga ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now