"Any word yet?" I ask Luke in a hushed tone as Esmerelda waves to me that she's going to Hope's greenhouse.

Luke shakes his head slightly, keeping an eye on Esmerelda. "Nothing. Are you sure the animal is back?" He asks lowly, his eyes meeting mine briefly.

I watch Esmerelda go into the greenhouse, and I shake my head at Luke. "I'm not absolutely sure, it's just a feeling. He's back though. Trust me on that."

"I do trust you, Cauis." Luke says honestly. "It's why Nikiya and I are doing what we're doing. We won't let him get close to either of them again. I give you my word."

I put my hand on Luke's shoulder. For the last two months, Nikiya and Luke have scowered the area, going through every town and village, just trying to find anything that confirms what I already know. If Achilles is indeed back, he won't be in this area though. I killed him, violently, again. He'll be in Italy. According to Esmerelda, the spot of his death was already charged with power he could channel. She said it had been because of how he died, violently. Since I did the exact same thing, it's safe to say he has even more power now. As long as I keep everyone away from Italy, which shouldn't be a problem, maybe I can keep them safe. I don't see Esmerelda, nor Hope, going back there anytime soon, doubtfully ever. But, we had been in Florida when he first made an appearance, and was able to get Hope and I all the way across the world. At anytime Achilles could get them back, and it terrifies me knowing he will have even more power this time. How are we supposed to defeat him now?

"Thank you, Luke." I say to him as Esmerelda and Hope come back out of the greenhouse. By the look on their faces, I know they're about to leave. "I want you to try and follow them again." I whisper to Luke.

"Hope and I are going for a walk." Esmerelda calls over to us, already going for the back gate Luke left open for Septimus and Nikiya.

I feel my stomach tie in even more knots. I hate when they leave. It makes it difficult to protect them, and by them not knowing Achilles is alive, I can't tell them no. Using magic was what brought Hope back to us. I know she's powerful, but I have no idea how powerful. If they come across Achilles on their 'walks' I just pray they have enough power combined to subdue him long enough to get away. I force a smile and nod my head. "Okay, be safe!" Please, I beg internally.

Esmerelda promises to be safe, turning her back to me. I quickly take Gavin out of Luke's arms, and nod my head for him to follow them. Wherever they go to practice their magic, it's far enough that none of us have even caught their scent. And if they combine their magic to get even further away, they could be anywhere.

I watch in horror as Esmerelda and Hope step into the tree line. Before I can blink, they're gone. Luke looks over his shoulder to me, giving me a look. He hadn't even made it to the gate. I shake my head at him, growl at Hope and Esmerelda, and then go back inside. Gavin squirms in my arms, and then nips my right forearm.

"Ouch!" I let out a deep breath, and put him in the play pin that's in the living room. I'm just grateful that his bites aren't fatal to me. And I'm the only one he bites. I sigh deeply again, and then make my way to my office on the second floor.

Achilles very well may be in Italy, but for all I know, he's using his magic again to spy on us. The thought alone makes my skin crawl. If Achilles is in fact alive again, and he's channeling himself; again, then he could be anywhere. As I get to my office, I grab the file from Eric that I have hidden away, and toss it down onto my desk. I take a seat, and open it. I pour myself into rereading everything, hoping that something will stick out, or click in my head. I've read these papers enough to know them by heart, so I don't know why I'm wasting my time. Eric is very detailed in his reports, even though they're filled with useless information. They haven't found Achilles, and there's no site of Rita or any of her pack there. Out of everyone, I felt Eric and Abigail going would be best. Eric may look just like Septimus, but he has the talent of staying hidden just like Achilles. It's gotta be something in their blood that makes them so good at going unnoticed. Even Septimus sometimes can hide in plain sight, although Eric is better at it. And well, with Luke being half vampire now, he can easily stay hidden. But I didn't want Luke going. I needed him here just in case.

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя