Chapter Sixteen

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Under the Blood Moon


I feel lighter on my feet as I bounce around the kitchen making breakfast. Cauis sits on a stool, just watching me. He didn't stay the night again. I'm not ready for that yet, and don't want to cause Hope any pain by him being here constantly. I made him leave around ten o'clock, and then got into bed with Hope who had fallen asleep. At seven, I was already awake, actually waking up with a smile on my face, and took a shower. By the time I got out, Cauis was knocking on the pool house door.

As I place a waffle on a plate and set it in front of an excited Cauis, Hope sleepily walks around the corner, rubbing at her eyes.

"Good morning," I greet her. My voice even sounds different, lighter, happier.

Hope looks at me, and then over to Cauis. "Morning," she replies and takes the stool next to him.

"Waffle?" I ask her already pouring more batter onto the iron.

I make each of us a waffle, Cauis of course making himself another. Cauis and I talk while we eat, Hope adding in something here and there, but not really contributing to the conversation. When Cauis is finally done eating, he picks up his plate, and then mine and Hope's.

"I'm going to take a shower." Hope informs us coming off her stool.

"Okay," I reply watching her go back down the hallway.

When we hear the water start running, Cauis turns to me when he's done cleaning the waffle maker. "What can we do to help her?"

I shake my head at him. "She won't let anyone help her." I tell him looking down at my fingers. "I don't think I'm even doing anything."

"You are, Esmerelda." He says quietly. "Don't do that to yourself." Cauis reaches a hand over the counter, and grabs my hand. I look up at him as he continues, "When we got home, she wouldn't talk to anyone, other than you. Now, she'll talk to me, and has spoken to Miles at least. Hope is making progress. She'll get there, just like you will."

I smile at Cauis as I take a deep breath. "Hope's experience was different than mine. She had to live through it for months, where I only had the one time. I don't know how to help her."

"You don't have to do it alone." He promises me. Cauis opens his mouth to say something more, but then freezes. He looks down to the counter top and tilts his head to one side. After a moment, he looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "I have to go. Septimus needs me."

"Septimus?" I ask confused. I haven't seen, or spoken, to him since returning home. For the first time, I wonder how he's doing. I'm sure his son being the cause of so much grief has had an effect on him. "What does he need help with?"

Cauis shakes his head at me, continuing to smile. "I don't want you to worry about it. I can handle it. You just keep focusing on you and Hope. That's what's important." Cauis steps around the counter and wraps his arms around me. He kisses the top of my head and says, "I love you. I'll be back when I can."

I squeeze around his waist and tell him I love him. When he shuts the pool house door, the familiar feeling of emptiness creeps in. I wrap my arms around myself, and will myself not to cry. Cauis' presence alone has made a huge difference in me, and when he's not around, I feel like I'm drowning again. I look around the empty room, chewing on my bottom lip. What am I supposed to do now?

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum