Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Under the Blood Moon


Six weeks later...

Screams echo down the hallway outside my bedroom door in the early morning. I'm just pulling a shirt over my head when a loud knock sounds on the door. 

"Esmerelda!" I hear Eric shout on the other side. "Open up! I found him!" He continues to shout while pounding on the door.

I glance over to Cauis while he feeds Aemilia, and then dart over to the door. Finally, some news on our relentless search. I rip the door open, a smile already on my face. "Which one did you find?" I ask him hurriedly.

"Sven Frandsen." Eric replies as he comes into the room, smiling brightly at the papers in his hands. When he spots Aemilia, he stops and looks over to me. "I can come back."

I shake my head, and grab at the papers in his hands. "We've been searching for over a month, Eric." I snap at him, not meaning to be harsh with him, but my patients is wearing thin. I knew it was going to be difficult finding any of them, but I never thought it would take this long.

Eric lets go of the papers as I grip them, and then looks over to Cauis. "Sorry it took so long."

"It's okay, Eric." Cauis says as I start pouring over the papers. "At least you found one of them."

Good work."

I ignore them, and walk over to the desk, and sit down, putting the papers on the flat surface. I read the article quickly:

Sven Frandsen, priest of Vologda, died in his church office early Tuesday morning. He is survived by his son, Egor, and daughter, Ellena. 

I stop reading, and look up to Cauis who has came over and is reading over my shoulder. I turn in my chair, and look at Eric. "This is just his obituary." I tell him.

Eric nods his head, and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, it's all I could find for now. I'll keep looking."

"Do that." I order him. I had hoped for much more, not just this.

Eric instantly bows, and then turns on his heels, shutting the door behind him. Cauis sighs deeply, and asks, "Are you okay? You've never been so harsh with him."

I turn back to the papers that tell me nothing important, and shove them further up the desk. "These are useless, Cauis. I can't do anything with them."

"You can actually." He states setting Aemilia's bottle down and repositioning her to start burping her. "We know his children's names now. Eric can start looking for them."

Under the Blood Moon~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Two (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя