Out Of His Head/Amelia Saves A Scout

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Shaking her head, Amelia gave Bee a gentle smile as she placed her hand on his cheek, "No matter what I vowed to protect my baby sister and everyone I care about," she firmly declared as her eyes held that unwavering determination and spirit. "Let's go see if Ratchet can fix this. Oh, and Megatron if you are hearing this know that if you harm any of my friends and the Autobots I will come after you and that's a promise," Amelia threatened the Decepticon leader as she and Bee went to Ratchet. Approaching Ratchet who noticed both Bumblebee and Amelia who have grim expressions, "Ratchet, Bumblebee keeps seeing Megatron's face and I fear that he inside Bumblebee's head controlling him," she informed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Bumblebee might be having the side effects from entering Megatron's brain," Ratchet told her as he allowed Bee to rest but Amelia stayed on guard knowing that Megatron will try to take over Bumblebee's body.

"Bee, if you can hear me you can not allow Megatron to take over your mind and body you need to fight him," Amelia told as she sat down in front of him praying that Bumblebee will win against Megatron. Two hours later, Bumblebee woke up from his recharge heading toward the groundbridge controls, "Bee! You need keep fighting!" Amelia yelled as she saw Bee enter the swirling vortex when Ratchet ran into the room seeing the grounbridge activated.

"What did you do?" Ratchet questioned.

"Megatron took over Bumblebee's mind and he's controlling Bee! We told you!" Amelia answered mad at herself for not pushing hard enough for Ratchet to understand her worries.

"He went to the coordinates where me and Optimus first faced Megatron's undead army," Ratchet informed as he was seeing where Bee/Megatron went. Opening the groundbridge Ratchet was about to head after Bee when the said Autobot entered through the swirling vortex, "Bumblebee, what have you been doing?" Ratchet questioned as he saw a purple crystal in Bumblebee's right servo, "Dark energon?" Ratchet was surprised that Bumblebee was holding Dark energon but he was punched in the face by Bumblebee kocking him unconscious.

"Bee, you need to fight him!" Amelia yelled as he picked her up placing her somewhere high above the ground where only an Autobot can help her get down. She heard Ratchet groan in pain as he regain consciousness, "Ratchet, we need to stop Megatron from returning to his body!" Amelia told fearing for her friend's life and safety.

"You and Bee were right only Megatron would know where the Dark energon shard was at," Ratchet confessed as he helped Amelia down from the ledge Bee/Megatron placed her.

"He will be going to the same coordinates Optimus and the others used to bring the shard to his body and leave Bumblebee's," Amelia concluded as Ratchet activated the groundbridge, "I'm coming with you and I know my way around the Nemesis since I was staying there for a month." Nodding his head in agreement they went through the groundbridge together as they witnessed bodies of Vehicons from Megatrons wake since he was to back in his own body. "It's getting worse. We need to hurry before he can revive his own body!" Amelia advised as they rushed into the room seeing that Bee/Megatron was about to stab the shard into Megatron's body. "Bee! You need to fight him! Don't let Megatron win!" Amelia yelled stopping him from sending the shard into Megatron's chest as Bee was fighting to regain control over his body. "Come on Bee I know you can defeat him!" Amelia encouraged as she saw Bee regain some control before falling unto his knees, "Ratchet unplug Megatron's life support!"

"Goodbye Megatron," Ratchet told as he unplugs the life support but Amelia was flicked into a wall by Megatron who regain control over Bumblebee's body and he hit Ratchet into the wall near Amelia.

Seeing that Megatron was about to bring the shard toward his sparkchamber, "Bumblebee, you can't let him win!" Amelia screamed as Bee/Megatron turned around to face her.

"Bumblebee can't hear you any more," Megatron's voice told Amelia as she glared at him.

"As much as I want you out of Bumblebee's body I can't allow you to return to yours," she declared as she tries to unplug the cord connected to Bumblebee's and Megatron's head but she was throw back to the ground not strong enough to unplug the cord. Stabbing the shard into Megatron's chest, the Decepticon began to rise from the table as Bee regain his senses while Amelia and Ratchet gaze at Megatron in alarm that he has returned when a group of Vehicons saw their leader awake and moving.

"Take care of these pest as I have my own extermination to do," Megatron ordered leaving the room as the Vehicons opened fired at them as Bumblebee took down a few Decepticons before escaping with Ratchet and Amelia.

Exiting the Nemesis they rounded the corner to see the rest of Team Prime, "Ratchet, we need a groundbridge," Optimus informed.

"So do we," Ratchet told as he, Bumblebee and Amelia were behind them, after Raf bridged everyone back Amelia saw Ratchet making sure that their were no more traces of Megatron inside Bee's head, "Your clear," Ratchet told the scout who approached.

"Thank you for saving me," Bumblebee thanked as Amelia gave him a smile glad that Megatron was gone from his mind and he has regain control over his body again.

"You're welcome," Amelia was happy that everything is somewhat back to normal before she retired to her room to sleep.

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